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26 April 2018

Whew! Done with yet another long day. I made up some Alaskan salmon and spinach for lunch today but didn't realize I didn't even try to season it. Luckily one of my team came to the rescue with some tabasco sauce and a couple packets of salt and pepper. :D :D Had the last of the refried bean soup latter in the day. Too damn tired (mentally not physically) to even whip up a protein shake so grabbed a few slices of swiss cheese to get my intake up to 998 cals for the day.

My team told me not to bother to bring lunch tomorrow because they are going to use my bday on monday as an excuse to have a bit of a pot luck lunch. Didn't argue since there are a bunch of good cooks on my team so its is a guarantee there will be a yummy selection of down home rez food to be had. I'm going to be eating way off script for sure but I'll be keeping portions limited. Not because I want to hold down calories, but to limit the effect of yummy stuff that I know will make me feel bleh later. No need NOT to enjoy the tastes after all.

Trying to talk my son into starting a weight training regime with me. I have to have a lifting buddy because 1. I really really really don't like weight training and 2. I don't have the attention span by myself to get through a session without getting distracted by something. Once I'm in the exercise groove, I can cardio away and zen out happily but weight training by me self is like... 'ok.. lift...1.. 2... 3... SQUIRREL!'

Off to do a little more work and finish up a liter of water before I call it completely quits and go out to the porch to light up a cigar. I see a lot off good progress and work out there from y'all. Keep it up! Keep moving to your goal.

26 April 2018

310.6…. Moving right along towards the next plateau! :D

I joke there, but I think that is something that should be kept in mind in the effort to reduce weight and become healthier. Fluxuations and plateaus happen. They are a natural part of the process. The bod, while a complex highly dynamic survival system, strives is hard wired to resist change and constantly strives for a point of equilibrium when trying for reductions in weight.

From a weight perspective it is designed to store and horde energy reserves against times where food/fuel is simply not available (that is why it is easy to gain for the most part). When trying to lose, it is constantly adjusting things, in an effort to hold on to those reserves. Basically, it doesn’t understand the efforts we are making to affect long term health issues and does its level best to fight us. :P

Where, am I going with this thought? (a question I often ask myself)... I do feel that tracking weight is important even though I discount it often. It is another mindfulness tool. However, when we step on the scale, at what ever frequency, it’s the trends over time we should be looking at and giving weight to in our planning and decision making process, not the number of the moment. It’s those trends that the important information we need to inform our efforts. When the TREND over a time period (I use 3-4 days as my reference) is flat or moving up, that is a signal that what we are doing needs some modification or some other attention.

So in my less than humble opinion (IMLTHO), weigh in as often or as little as you like, whatever fits how your mind/mental/emotional processes work. But focus on watching the trend of time, not the spot number. Try not to let the sometimes daily up and down volatility of that number frustrate/distract/derail you. Look at the trend of what is happening over a reference time period (if you have a lot of that up and down volatility extend out your reference time period) and be ready to make the changes and adjustments that will be needed to keep things going in the you want. Be ready because the bod is a stubborn beast and plateaus will happen! Its natural.

Once again I babble on way to much while I process my thoughts as I form and reform principals in my head that, to me, are fundamental to long term goal of sustainable life change.

I hope everyone has a grand day. Keep up the good work all, keep making the good decisions one at a time that move you closer to where you want to be.
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
140.9 kg 17.9 kg 50.2 kg Reasonably Well
   (1 comment) Losing 2.5 kg a Week

25 April 2018

Nice to eat a bit closer to script. I still find it fascinating that while an ‘objective’ outside observer could say I’ve radically changed the way I eat and am following a highly restrictive ‘diet’, I don’t feel deprived in any way and all feels very natural. Yes it takes a little more planning and mindfulness but not overly so at all to me.

A bit higher on cabs this week than I target, due to the very yummy re-fried bean soup which I’ve had twice this week (and will have some more again tomorrow). But the overall mix of things has been solid. Have meals basically planning out for a few days forward and am happy with how my monthly averages are projected to look.

Down to the second to last hole on my ‘fat’ dress belt I bought a couple years ago on my way up in weight which I realized when I was wondering today why my slacks felt like they were sliding off even though I had my belt on. Will have to figure out where I stashed a ‘less fat belt’ soon so I can keep wearing some of my now to large in the waist dress slacks (I refuse to invest in anything new since I’m closing in on fitting into others that have been hanging in the closet for years now mocking me)

Planning on getting to a doc for a 500k mile check up once I hit 300. I know the line will be ‘you should lose weight’ to which I can reply “I’m down 300 and working lower, so back off”.

I know I still have to work some consistent exercise in to the mix just have not yet figured out what part of my limited ‘non work time’ I am willing to sacrifice. I will make it happen, just have not got there yet.

Before I go and light up a cigar and relax a bit (I gotta keep 1 or 2 vices), I just want to thank everyone here for the support, words of encouragement, and the knowledge I’ve gleaned from y’all in what is really a very short time. I don’t have to words to properly articulate how helpful you good people have been or how much it means to me. All I can simply say is… Thank You!

Have a good night all.

25 April 2018

Hah... just noticed my progress bar changed color. Guess that is a good thing. :D weight steady this AM and finally got to sit down and plan out the next couple days food wise. I've gotten average intake to 1000-1100 cals a day and going to hold it there for a little while and see how the bod reacts. Hitting in the near neighborhood of my macro targets consistently though a little higher on the carb side than I would like. Shredded chicken thigh meat (1 1/2 large prices worth,slow cooked with oregano and thyme then further seasoned with red chili, garlic and a little sea salt) mixed with chopped baby spinach is on the block for lunch today.

Cold morning here so time to bundle up for a cold ride to the office on the scoot. I hope everyone has a good day out there. Stay focused on what you want to do and ignore that little voice that tries to distract you from your plan and goals.

24 April 2018

Did well with business lunch. Ate pretty much on script with a 1/4 pound patty melt (minus the bread), a pickle and a nice sized salad without dressing, got home later than I planned and had to slam down a protein shake (with egg and mct oil added) before running off again to take my son to an 'ice cream social' for incoming HS freshman. Turned him loose there and walked around some while he did his thing. Overall a little shorter that what I want cal intake wise today but not bad. Shot on the water side again (gotta get better at that) so trying to knock back a liter or so while I game a little bit before bed. Meetings consuming the day again on the morrow but back to bringing my lunch to work, which brings more control of what and how much I eat. Which for me.. more control = more comfort. Have a pleasant evening all and remember to do something good for yourself that also brings you closer to your goals.

JLente's Weight History

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