FullaBella's Journal, 26 Aug 14

Such nice things you all commented on my anniversary journal yesterday. Thank you. I am truly blessed. I have wonderful, supportive, encouraging friends. What more could a gal want? Well............ nah, I'm good.

Homemade chili for dinner last night; a cup of it today for lunch. There, that's the All Things Food part of my journal. The rest is life because I consider Fat Secret my 'FaceBook' too.

So this is a vent; make some popcorn if you're bored and want to continue reading.

My youngest grandson's birthday's on Monday so we'll be recognizing it while up at the cabin this weekend. My gift to him is paying for his driver's education. Geezy peezy. I'm so glad I only have the two grandkids. I don't know about the state's y'all live in but here in Texas it's $400. Crazy.

But instead of just giving him a receipt in a birthday card I got pinterest inspired and decided to put it in a photo album with some photo's of him throughout the years and some $1 bills and little cute inspirational things. So I dashed off to get the driver's ed certificate and go to the dollar store early this morning before opening the shop while I was still inspired. Or high on caffiene. Or both.

BTW ~ for those of you who always suggest my intermittent sleep may be due to the bedtime coffee, please know it (isn't). I've skipped it for weeks at a time; no coffee or any other caffiene after 8am; no stimulating TV, nothing... and still have the insomnia. It's been lifelong. And now I'm going through the wonderful phase of menopause. But thank you for caring and your suggestions. Now, please stop bashing my coffee, LOL.

Anyway, I went to the dollar store for the album and stickers blah blah to make his little presentation. We also wrap all of our presents redneck style meaning wrapping in the wrapping in the wrapping and each package secured with everything from masking tape to wire to duct tape. Well, they never used wire. I decided Nana would step it up a bit.

He's lucky they don't sell barbed wire the dollar store or that I'm not technical enough to use electric fencing.

Anyway, there were two ladies in front of me at the checkout line each with the full shopping baskets on wheels, mounded up with items. It was obvious they were making bags of something for someone or just hoarders because they had 25 of each different item; probably about 400 different things.

I stood there behind them with six, count 'em, SIX things in my HANDS. Now, *I* always insist the person behind me with fewer items go first. I just do. I'm just that freaking nice, damnit. LOL.

They actually looked AT me... then turned back and started loading up the register. Seriously. On PURPOSE. No other register's open. I told myself to behave, stand still, and take that moment as a sign of something. The universe wanted me to wait in line for a reason. Breathe.

About halfway through their checkout one of the women actually looked at me and said 'I bet you wished we'd let you go in front of us, huh...' and I thought 'what, are you now concerned with how you look? Trying to ease your conscience now? Is this the part where I say 'no, no worries.. I'm in no hurry?'

Sorry. No. Not today lady.

I answered, 'Yep'.

Because, let's face it, all opportunities to be polite ended when she purposely began unloading those carts AFTER looking at me with my pitiful six hand held items.

Her response? A total FREEZING GLARE and you could see icecicles drip from her mouth when she defended her actions saying, "We're doing this for the HOMELESS."

Again, my mind goes into overdrive as I bite my lips to just nod but I forgot to breathe and said, 'Well, that makes sense... who else would want 35 cans of vienna sausages?'

Another haughty 'well!' and if looks could kill.. well, I'd not be journaling this now.

She's lucky... I wanted to say 'oh, really... what are the freaking homeless going to do with FREEZER pops? Do you really think they need all those pocket kleenex? So lemme get this straight... you think the homeless need koolaid?'

She's also lucky she didn't get my opinion on a person that can be kind to a multitude of strangers but not nice to one standing less than 3 feet away. That EVERYone deserves politeness, not just those in a compromised position. And so on...other such ranting type stupid things but I guess the cashier finally signaled for backup because they finally opened the other register.

Generally, I'm nice. Normally, I'll let the other person get away with the self effacing weak excuse. Just not today.

Man, first I'm ordering lunch.. alone.. and next thing you know I'm not taking crap from older ladies at the dollar store. Y'all may need to start taking up a collection for me in case one of you has to bail me out of jail for being 'disorderly'.

Bella the Bruiser

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I let the person behind me at the register go first if he/she has one item or two. Sometimes they are paying with a credit card or store credit and then that takes time and I wish I wasn't so nice. I don't get upset about rude people on the street. That will only ruin your day. They are not important so why get upset because they have no manners.  
26 Aug 14 by member: snezica
I didn't get upset. I just didn't accommodate her BS when she gave me a weak crappy 'bet you wish'. There's a difference. 
26 Aug 14 by member: FullaBella
People are a-holes sometimes. Sorry they were. Great idea on the present though......very clever! (Although I expect nothing less from you).  
26 Aug 14 by member: notjune1
I hear ya on the coffee. I drink less in the evenings than I used to - but only because I drink a lot during the day. What I'm always impressed with though is how you can open a can of sweetened condensed milk and not eat it with a spoon in one sitting. As far as your reaction to the RUDE women in the Dollar Store...reminded me of your first pic in your journal yesterday ;-)  
26 Aug 14 by member: Vickie 5966
I got so upset just reading about them that I had to make a cup of coffee to go with my popcorn ;) Hope your day got better. 
26 Aug 14 by member: 2toofat
I guess you can consider yourself lucky they didn't hold a conversation with the cashier and show each other pictures of the kiddies. Now, that is a pisser.  
26 Aug 14 by member: ClassicRocker
June - it really turned out great although Martha Stewart would probably have grimaced. I didn't fill every single page of the little album because I was running short of time and looking for things so I finally started printing little silly things like 'this page left blank intentionally, no I didn't forget, no I'm not old, I know exactly what I'm doing' or on other pages I'd put 'this is where your parents were supposed to put $100 bills' and things like that. I probably had way more fun making it than he'll appreciate but that's the Nana in me, I guess. Folks, it's not like I karate chopped the old ladies... I just didn't stand there doing the fakearoo 'oh ... that's so wonderful that you're buying cheap stuff for the homeless.... they need nail polish for sure...' I was fine standing there in line until they made it a point to rub it in my face that they 'could have' let me go first but felt they were justified because it was 'for the homeless'. Yeah, like me and my six items are standing in the way of the homeless and their vienna sausages. Gimma a break. 
26 Aug 14 by member: FullaBella
I like the swearing pic. You G-sons are so damn lucky! 
26 Aug 14 by member: Sweet Ce
What Beotches! I always let someone with a few items ahead of me, if I have much more. Especially if they have children, or are old, or if they have no basket and in an uncomfortable position. And it's almost like they were adding insult to injury with their comment! I found yours about the sausage extremely witty! For the homeless, my eye! Too bad people are like that! If I were in a rush, I would have asked if I could go before. And as far as answering them back, I think Bella, it's age. With age, you stand less and less crap. (anyway, in my case) Good for you for the comeback!  
26 Aug 14 by member: NowIunderstand
I LOVE this journal! YES, my goal personally and professionally is to JUST BE KIND...I never understand inconsiderate people. Yeah...homeless people need nail polish and vienna sausages! 
26 Aug 14 by member: HCB
Lmao, I'll start saving for your bail now. Congrats on your two year anniversary, Bella. You have inspired many, me especially. Thank you for all you share, and the endless support you've given me. I appreciate it more than you know. If I don't get back to you again by the weekend have a wonderful time. 
27 Aug 14 by member: Annabelle3117
I prefer candor, too. You weren't being mean at all...just honest. 
27 Aug 14 by member: mgrill
Oh Bella, you do have interesting days! Always fun dropping into Bellawood. I'm glad you spoke your mind. I too always let someone go ahead of me if they have very little in their cart in comparison to mine. Good manners is in short supply though it would seem. We were just raised right :) or are nicer people. Karma, it's a bitch, and it will get them :) 
27 Aug 14 by member: sarahsmum
Thank you all. I try to find the balance between 'I just can't help myself' and 'I wish I'd said something.' I'm sure this reads as if I was standing there fuming, tapping my feet, etc. I wasn't. I was just standing there and looking at the items thinking 'really... vienna sausages?'. I know that's MY issue because growing up we were so poor it was a staple and it's now one of the things I'd never want to have to eat again. So it seemed like a punishment giving it to the homeless. Like, they're all going to sit around and have a VS party. Letting it go now. It's a whole new day. Thanks again for stopping by and visiting with me.  
27 Aug 14 by member: FullaBella
LOL. Yes it is a balance between biting your teeth and punching people in the face. Glad you were able to find a balance that worked for you. And I am sure there are better ways to help the homeless than VS and pocket tissues.  
27 Aug 14 by member: sarahsmum
How much ya wanna bet that while the "witches" were buying stuff for the homeless that they have never sat and talked to a homeless person..or hugged them.....or acknowledged them as human beings that needed their compassion? I would bet my last dollar they never have. 
27 Aug 14 by member: notjune1


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