FullaBella's Journal, 03 Jul 14

You've no doubt realized by now I'm totally devoid of original thought. Most of my journals, responses, dialogue and conversations are from TV & Movies. Hey, if I can't BE a glamorous movie star, I'll be the star of Bellawood and recycle. I figure if their lines were good enough to earn them an Oscar they're good enough for me.

So this morning when I caught a customer staring down my blouse I leaned over and said 'They're called Boobs, Ron.'

See, that's the problem with reusing lines when my censor filter has worn out. By the time I realize WHAT I've said it's too late to take it back. So I have to stand there with the attitude to back it up, as if 'I meant to say that'.

So what does this have to do with All Things Food? I guess another line from a movie (Daddy's Dyin'.. Who's got the Will) ala:

Marlene: I HAVE lost weight in case y'all ain't noticed!
Evalita: [under her breath, lighting cigarette] Well why don't you look behind you and you'll find it!

Because it seems my body is shifting either proportionally or gravity or less here makes it look like more there because otherwise I'm finding it behind me or so it seems .. get it?

I almost phoned my doctor this morning to get a timeline from my latest (and hopefully LAST) massive weight regain because I am on the verge of 24 months of 'health and weight loss' THIS time (anniversary Aug 25th) and I don't know why I keep relying on my past for reason's other than, again, that quote 'know your history or be destined to repeat it'.

And thanks to binge watching True Detectives this weekend I was so struck with Rust Cohle's quote: This is a world where nothing is solved. Someone once told me, 'Time is a flat circle.' Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again' that I felt the need to revisit it.

I've been here. Done this. Over and over. And over again.

What, if anything, has changed that will make this change different, dare I hope, permanent?

I didn't have FatSecret in the past. I didn't journal. I didn't separate foods either 'good' vs 'bad' and try to follow the 'Eat. Eat Real Food. Eat Good Food. Just not too much.' I didn't read beyond the calorie and fat count. I was easily misled by anything labeled 'fat free'. I was so concerned with having the teeny weeny body that I didn't care how I got there or had to abuse myself to do it. I flaunted those size two's with more swagger than Oprah ever could have.

Flat Circle. Over and Over. I have felt that so many times as I've gone up and down the scale 100 pounds at a time. Not the five or ten pounds so many people here bemoan. And I'm not dismissing them for the absence of extreme. They too are stuck on their own flat circle.

So I try to tell myself this suspected gain from the mere appearance of body shifting because I will not weigh, I refuse, because I want to break free from that circle is the result of time, hormones, blood sugar, etc. That I cannot expect me in my 5th decade will have the same body as in my 40's. I'm eating differently.

Buying almond butter last night I noticed the varieties of 'peanut butters' that were 95% calorie free, or even zero calories, nor contained peanuts.

That last part got me. I know there have been so many cases of people emerging the past couple of decades who are deathly allergic to peanuts so they deserve their PB&J without the anaphylactic shock but from where did this allergy originate because I know I didn't get out much as a child but I just don't remember even hearing of such a thing until I was in my 30's.

Regardless, my hand wavered on the jar for a second. Old habits die hard. But I choose the 100% pure and natural (or so I hope ~~ I think along with the verbal censor filter failure I'm being taken over with extreme paranoia and conspiracy theory syndrome) almond butter.

I guess, pulling out one last trademark infringement reference, I'm hoping FatSecret, with the ATF and everything else, will be MY .... Wrinkle in Time. I'm hoping I've stepped off the path, crushed one butterfly, and had an impact on my Flat Circle.

One day, one wrinkle at a time.


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Bella - I love your journals. You have many lovely original thoughts. You seem like your head is in a totally different than it was when your previous weight loss efforts bounced back on you. Keep with your mindful eating, mindful activity, and don't worry too much about past mistakes, though I do agree you can learn from them! The first time I really dieted I lost more in 2 months than I have since November. Then I gained it all back - and more. That method didn't work, so I'm switching my strategy this time. :)  
03 Jul 14 by member: megmonster
Well its painfully obvious that it's your new found friendship with me that makes this time different. I will push you off the path, and onto that unsuspecting butterfly. :) I agree with what Meg said. You have wonderful original thoughts. I thought I was the only one constantly quoting movies! You are far too concerned you're going to start messing it up because you think you're due to. Drop that mindset, you are aware of what you did wrong in the past and taking measures to prevent it from repeating. You are in control of this Bella, it doesn't control you.  
03 Jul 14 by member: Annabelle3117
Oh, and if you want something to blame peanut allergies on there are lots of hot topics to chose from. Immunizations are insanely popular, you could also moms smoking during pregnancy.... ohhhhhhh how about obese pregnant moms? ?? :) Maybe kids are Just giant pansies nowadays. Lol No idea where it came from, but you're right, along with autism it is getting really common. 
03 Jul 14 by member: Annabelle3117
I'm one of those who could die from peanuts. I love almond butter. (Peanuts are a legume not a nut.) There's still not enough warning. People have to be very careful. If I want a quick out, peanut butter may be my ticket. I once bought ear drops, got them home and decided to have a quick look at the label. Peanut oil. I'm a musician. If I'd used that stuff, there would be no more music in my world. As to going in a flat circle, maybe it's time to join. Flatearthsociety dot org. The world needs more iconoclasts.  
03 Jul 14 by member: northernmusician
Usually, the things we worry about the most don't happen. Because you're so aware of your past mistakes and steadfast on not making them again, you have likely stepped off the circle. You're on a new path - a path of mindful, scale-free living. It's better to lose some weight and keep it off than to lose a lot and regain it all back, so I wouldn't worry about gaining a few pounds (if you did). What matters is that you're living a life that you can continue to live, and then your weight will end up where it's meant to be. If you're very concerned about gaining weight and don't want to gain any more, take a look at your eating and see if you can improve anything at all - in ways that you can stick with. Believe in yourself. If you've truly learned - and it seems like you have - and you're determined not to repeat the same mistakes, you won't. Don't worry and give yourself a bit of a break. You're only human. 
03 Jul 14 by member: ChristyLA
Thanks everyone - I hear you, so much. I do think I've gained or something is going on because I did try to do my part of Yo's challenge and get OUT on my BIKE this afternoon and it really seemed HARDER than when I rode it last.. over a month, maybe two ago. I am wondering if it was the heat or if I bent the frame on my last ride (you know.. always blame the equipment) but I was soaking wet when I got home so I definitely got my sweat on. And I was a bit sick at my stomach but *I* didn't feel that hot so maybe I was having a heat stroke and it was good I turned back. I kept trying, thinking, 'what gives' and I don't know. My clothes fit the same. Maybe I was just having a bad day. I'm behaving. I didn't come in the house and go head first into the pantry or fridge. The thing is ... every single time in the past I thought I had it too. This is the way. This works. I said the same thing. I THOUGHT I could starve .. or binge & purge when that didn't work. I'm not doing that now and I'm aware of my food so this .. struggle w/the bike.. has me wondering if Yo needs to come back and help me stomp the darn butterfly. I don't want to fail at this again. I am no longer vain (although Chica, NM and I are in a contest for 'the most vain person on FS) enough to be that obsessive about the 'size' but I want to keep the health. Keep moving. Walk. Stand. Be independent and out of the Walmart scooter because Elizabeth needs it for the next 50+ days :-)  
03 Jul 14 by member: FullaBella
Interesting site NM.. are you a member? I cannot imagine being so allergic to something that could kill me. It's weird. I mean, we all die. But as you said.. something as simple as ear drops. Wow. 
03 Jul 14 by member: FullaBella
Be careful of the heat, Bella. Someone else on here has mentioned having heat stroke. I can get it too. I wear a hat and avoid going out on the really hot days, especially to exercise, or if I do, I don't go out for long. 
04 Jul 14 by member: ChristyLA
The heat can make you feel sick, especially if you've been exercising in the heat. Make sure you take water with you and don't push yourself. Maybe you were just having a bad day, we all have those days when we just don't feel like we're making progress. Hope you're having a great fourth of July! It's pouring rain here (hurricane Arthur!) 
04 Jul 14 by member: SJacqueline
NM... do you watch the CSI Miami series. There was a prisoner who was on death row and his last request was for a peanut butter sandwich. Yeppers... but seemed painful.  
04 Jul 14 by member: ClassicRocker
Keep comin' back, Bella. You're doin' great. And, yes, keep moving, no matter what. BUT: respect yourself. Respect the progress you've made by using the tools you've needed as you've needed them along the journey. 
04 Jul 14 by member: Sweet Ce


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