abbadabba's Journal, 20 Apr 24

Absolutely shocked at how discouraged I am with my weigh in. I weighed yesterday at 162.6 so was disappointed to see 164 today. I gotta do something that is going to work. I just don't know what that would be. I can see how people can get to the point where surgery is the answer.

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Abba no worries, that's just water weight bouncing around. Good advice from Cici juat get back on the plan and you cam go below 160!!👱‍♀️🐈‍⬛🌞 
20 Apr 24 by member: Maine coon
Hello Abba.. I’ve been there- discouraged and feeling like my metabolism and my hunger signals were possibly actually, literally broken. I suggest staying the course (doubling down on your resolve), especially over this weekend, these next two days- eat your favorite nutritious foods that are on your plan..and don’t weigh till Monday. Listening to my favorite health gurus on podcasts while I do chores or walking / hiking is super helpful for me to get through similar feelings. Take care of yourself (first) this weekend, get good sleep (!).. and you’ll see a shift. 
20 Apr 24 by member: Cici-HappyTracking
Good advice so far. Most reputable doctors are not going to do weight loss surgery on someone who weighs what you do. My neighbor died from weight loss surgery. She recommend I have it as exercise and diet are so hard and she had seen me struggling to do them. I still miss her. She was a lot younger than me. A nice lady and not that heavy. She was denied here so went to Mexico.  
20 Apr 24 by member: -MorticiaAddams
Did you start exercising? If you did your muscles well hold onto fluid. Just eat to hunger and try to eat what you enjoy not some fad diet things. You can do this.  
20 Apr 24 by member: Golfgirl60
Morrticia ans Abba, I worked with two women who had the Roux n Y surgery and both passed away from complications. We all worked in a big insurance company and had excellent medical coverage in our contract. I know there are extremes where the possible benefit may outweigh the (huge) risks but discouragement at any time can be overcome. I'd bet that every person in this great group has faced the same challenge; I sure have, but not letting the scale take away our resolve works. Just keep eating those good choices for your body- and metabolic type and it slowly 'just happens' and you drop again. It often looks like a mountain range of ups and downs for many of us. Relax and make one fun menu that is both satisfying and on your short list of clean, healthy foods and make them tasty. And drink your water. ;-) 
20 Apr 24 by member: GopherIt2
Weight variation of 2lbs can be common. Less focus on daily weight and more focus on calorie deficit and a trend in weight loss. I went through exactly what you are going through where I went through a two week stall even on my 1200 a day calorie restriction. Eventually if you stick to it it will break. My weight varies 2lbs from morning to bedtime. 
20 Apr 24 by member: DGendron
I vary as well and I understand your frustration. I've come to the conclusion that my weight will fluctuate 2-3 lbs either way.( usually upward) It kind of is what it is. I stopped weighing everyday and that was a big help. Weighing everyday made me too obsessive. 💜 
20 Apr 24 by member: Diana 1234
I feel your frustration. In addition to the good suggestions posted by our FS community, I want to add my personal experience. The habits/behaviors that worked with my body in my 20's & early 30's, became increasingly ineffective. I was put on thyroid medication, paid for new perspectives from personal training & dietician/nutrition consults, continued life habits of walking/hiking, etc. Always an uphill battle. Finally, I began a GLP-1 medication, and my body operates "normally" again. (An analogy is like a jalopy car that has a major service & new tires.) Some people's insurance covers the medications, or due to the shortages, the FDA permits pharmacy compounding which often is prescribed by online service providers such as mochi, alchemy wellness, even weight watcher's sequence acquisition - which are more affordable for people who have to pay out of pocket. Just something to consider. I'm not pushing this, just want to mention why my FS 2023 & 4 are so different than my FS logs from 2023, 22 & 21. 
21 Apr 24 by member: HealtyNow
Lots of good recommendations here, my weight can vary greatly from day to day also. I'd just like to ask one thing. Are you weighing and logging every single thing you eat? That too can have a big impact. Good luck on your journey, you can do this. 
21 Apr 24 by member: shirfleur 1
Your calories are probably too low. Once I reached perimenopause, if I drop below 1400 per day, I stop losing. As long as I stick to 1400-1500 per day, the weight melts away. I shoot for high protein and regular strength training so I don't lose muscle. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! 💖💖💖💖 
21 Apr 24 by member: GigiDunaway
Sometimes you just need to put the scale away! When I first started out my scale never ever moved for a solid 2 months, talk about frustration I was following my diet to the TEE, but I did notice my clothes stared to fell lose, so I started measuring my self, yes my body was changing, and after 2 solid months my scale stared moving, it did not come on over night, and will not leave overnight, just hang in there, Good Luck on your journey! 
21 Apr 24 by member: DO N OK


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