Samiam9663's Journal

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26 August 2016

Little bits at a time :-) I keep thinking that I'll be better about this when the renovations are done - but I do recognize that the renos are an excuse, they're not a reason. Could I chop veggies at night in my nearly-finished kitchen and take them to work? Yep. Could I think ahead and plan - KNOWING that I will be exhausted after work - for a healthy, quick meal for the 7 of us? I could indeed do that. Do I? Um... We rip up all the floors this weekend and then the installers have my house for the better part of a week. My partner is having a surgery on Friday, so next weekend I will be playing the role of Nurse Ratchett. I did healthy chili and pasta sauce already this week, the kids will revolt if I do that again, so I'll have to get creative and come up with something else - buffalo chicken wraps, taco salad, garlic lime chicken and pulled pork in the crockpot will do for the next few days. Today is Friday, which is historically the day that some well-meaning but risk-taking colleague brings in doughnuts. I have repeatedly threatened to do something to stop this practice. Perhaps I shall pull the fire bell and evacuate the building to get my point across - it's a lovely day for a little break outside :-) Cheers, everyone! Have a great week!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
100.7 kg 14.5 kg 20.4 kg Poorly
   Add Comment Losing 0.3 kg a Week

19 August 2016

Didn't deserve that loss, but I'll take it :-) I didn't even bother to record a couple of days this week - it was Lose Your Mind Binge Week for some reason. Renovations, kids, divorces (mine and my partner's - long overdue but still necessary), bills, blah blah blah - the usual first world problems. I'm losing one of my extra kids October 1, but gaining a different one - he's having great difficulty at home and needs a place to be safe, which is fine. So anyway, all these little things add up and I find myself sitting on the couch with an empty bag of corn chips to one side and an Eatmore wrapper to the other...and a very sad dog because I didn't share - I don't give my dogs that stuff, because it's not GOOD for THEM! Snort! Ah well - back to work, and ROUTINE, this coming week. Back on track!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
101.0 kg 14.2 kg 20.7 kg Poorly
   (4 comments) Losing 0.9 kg a Week

16 August 2016

Okay, back to it (furreal!) The renovations are ongoing and probably will be for another four to six weeks, and if I keep stress-eating and carb-binging I'm going to have a lovely house - but I will be unable to fit through the door. They'll keep me in the yard. I hope they refill the water bowl. YEESH. Renos are stressful, and it's difficult to choose intelligent, healthy food when you're run off your feet and you don't have a kitchen, but I can FIGURE THIS OUT. Well, I can with help. Any ideas? I still have a fridge. The microwave is...I dunno, somewhere. Maybe the garage. No cooktop. Yes barbeque (until the landscapers start, then I'm going to lose that, but hopefully I'll have the oven back by then). It's hot out, so I really don't need hot food...but I can't do sandwiches for four weeks. Plus I have 5 other family members that seem to think they should eat...EVERY day. Shouldn't have started them on that, now they've grown to expect it. Pah. Thoughts, wise ones?

13 August 2016

Okay, so I'm in the midst of a special kind of hell - renovations. Brad and I are still speaking to each other, but only because he wisely stopped wearing his hearing aids about a week into the process and now ignores me completely - which I think is probably for the best. The kitchen is half done, the rest of the main floor has yet to be emptied of stuff, floors torn up and replaced, and three months into dealing with Intact Insurance, I STILL don't have complete bathrooms. They have no floors, one of them has no walls, and one of them has no sink, which is perfectly fine if you don't need to wash your hands after you used the facilities because, as my 5 year old son once told me, "But Mom, I didn't pee on my hands!" Good start, son, good start. Note: Never, EVER deal with Intact Insurance. Second note: If you ever HAVE to deal with an insurance company on a home disaster, take the money and RUN. Do NOT allow them to bring in their "carefully selected contractors" - because they either GOT said contractors from the line of rejected applicants for burger flipping at Wendy's, or possibly from Mordor. As an aside, I'm pretty sure that's it's the same source that everyone goes to for HR staff. There is a toilet in my living room that I may leave there as a handy table. I haven't had a kitchen in weeks, which means I've gained three pounds eating crap - dinner last night was a leftover burger patty straight from the fridge with suspicious looking dijon spread on it. A "beef cookie" with "icing", if you will. The pantry is stuffed full of Weird Things that May or May Not be Edible - cans of bamboo shoots and water chestnuts - why do I even HAVE this??? And where the hell is the can opener? You cannot get to the bureau containing the linens without doing a triple axle off the sawdust-covered ceiling fan (which is totally fine, since you can't wash your hands, you have no need of a towel anyway), and the landscapers begin on Monday, which means the dogs cannot go outside unattended for the next four weeks. Every trip across the house is a terror-filled obstacle course of high stepping, low bending, drop-rolling, expletive-filled perambulation. There is a crawl space underneath the stairs in the basement - no light, no flooring, no drywall - that is beginning to look very attractive to me. It's actually NOT the dark hole that I always THOUGHT it was, it's actually an oasis of peace! Who knew?? I think the current trend towards minimalism was probably started by someone undergoing renovations. There reaches a point where you are SO tired of putting things away, or finding places for things, that you begin to throw things out at random. Like treasured family photos. And treasured family. They got back in, though, basement window doesn't lock properly. So if for the next 6 weeks or so, my posts are simply lines of incomprehensible babble (more than usual, I mean), or obscenities, (ditto), that is why. $%$#@#$%.

12 August 2016

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
101.9 kg 13.3 kg 21.6 kg Poorly
   (1 comment) Gaining 1.3 kg a Week

Samiam9663's Weight History

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