FullaBella's Journal, 12 Sep 14

Well, it's Friday but I have a working weekend so I guess it's my Wednesday but I won't be off Monday so ... l sure can't call it a 'lost weekend' because that alludes a lot more fun than I'll be having.

All things food - rocking right along. Another emotional day yesterday.

It began with going online to balance my accounts and discovering I was overdrawn! Whaaaat? I recognize I'd had a bit of a 'the lights are on but nobody's home' month in August when I'd just let bills stack up around me ~ the money was there to pay them but I just didn't have the ambition to write the checks.

But then I paid them ALL and didn't balance the accounts ... duh. So I drove to the bank and deposited some cash to get that back in order and they were nice enough to reverse the two NSF fees as I've NEVER done that, at least, not at that bank. The whole time I could hear Cutty ranting at me for not taking care of business. Hey, I know it happens; that's why they have the whole process set up for handling it. But I was feeling like a child in trouble.

Then I had to leave work early to go to the doctor. I'm not sure if this has hit your state yet but the anti-anxiety med Xanax is now harder to get than heroin; or at least that's my joke as I've never bought heroin. Effective this month Texas requires the patient see the physician MONTHLY to get the prescription and with that extra copay cost as well as the emotional pain of sitting in a physician's waiting room every month I said 'time to get off this medicine.' So we'll be moving to something less controlled.

Regardless, by the time I got out of the office I was a bundle of nerves from all the waiting room flashbacks. It's not that I EVER forget Cutty ~ in fact, I'm waiting for the TV repairman to come today because the lamp on his (see, it's still HIS) big TV in the living room needs replacing.

Recalling how I had to relocate everything of his 'day life' to the bedroom for the 48 hours it was out last time, less than two years ago, has me reliving that painful memory. Seeing sick, older people in wheelchairs yesterday ... well, it's a miracle and a blessing I wasn't face down in Tequila or Tin Roof Sundae ice cream or both by sundown because that has been my usual mode of coping with pain in the past.

At the grocer I wanted 'something sweet' but not to the point of eating my emotions. After walking around the store and considering options I finally decided I wanted chocolate so I bought a package of 3 chunky cookies with the 'I don't want to have to throw away a huge bag of cookies' plan. I am very proud to report I only ate one of the cookies and not because I had to smash the other two into dust so double pitty-pat on my own back about that. Gold star Bella.

I'd slipped down in the bed snuggled w/Mushy and she wiggled away off to the foot of the bed and it so frustrated me, I felt so alone, I know, it sounds crazy but I was just aching for something warm against me. I patted the spot beside me for her to return but she just sniffed at me in contempt.

So in my completely irrational empty lonely sad pathetic crazy lady reaction I said 'FINE.... I'm going to go soak in the tub... stay here alone!' And I did... and that poor little baby obviously sensed my insanity in need of supervision because she came into the bathroom and lay beside the tub instead of staying curled up on the comfy bed.

The point of the story is .. I didn't eat. And I still had the other cookies plus the rest of the cheezy goldfish and heaven's know what else I could have concocted like waffles and pancakes and several bottles of wine and some rum and other such stuff in the kitchen.

I did something else to fill that empty, rejected, pathetic, pitiful loneliness: I 'Calgoned'.

Yes, I know that isn't a word. Blondie is developing a classic 'combo sigh and eye roll' because lately I've decided adding 'ing' or 'ed' to a noun makes it a verb or past verb. I natured, I went naturing. I photo albumed. I am busy photo albuming, and so on. It's kind of fun. Yep, I'm funning.

Nonetheless, I was doing my old historical reflection about the last time I lost weight, when it went off the rails, etc., this morning because I'm wondering about failing again. The voice that goes 'okay, you started in Nov04 and by Mar06 you'd lost down to 150 but somewhere in there you started going off the rails and whatever that blurry part of your memory is by Oct07 you were buying jeans on a road trip because what you had didn't fit and by ...' And then I did the comparison of now .. well, okay.. this time started Aug12 and since Aug13 I've been fairly stagnate on weight. A plus or minus factor of 10-15lbs but obviously more muscle this time because the clothing size is the same so ....

I guess it's the dreary weather of today, approaching the one year mourning point, and so on. I had to stare myself down in the mirror with the reminder 'uh, last time you were on phentermine... starving.. binging.. purging... drinking... raging... and so on...' and this time it's just been a one day at a time eating healthy and trying to move more. You may go up and down a few pounds and you may stay at this weight for ever but it's better than going up, up and up because your disordered eating tricks fail. Just get thru today. Worry about tomorrow later.

Interrupted sleep last night and ironic as it seems I feel much of it has to do w/telling my masseuse I wanted to change the schedule. I know, I am the customer. She's just such a sweet girl I felt guilty. But as I just finished journaling the above paragraphs I cleared enough emotion to feel strong enough to call and take care of that too. Whew.

So several emotions ~ not that mine are any more unique than anyone else's. All in a day. One day, one breath at a time.

Thank you for stopping to visit with me.


View Diet Calendar, 12 September 2014:
1077 kcal Fat: 55.43g | Prot: 72.23g | Carbs: 75.41g.   Breakfast: Coffee-Mate Original Powder Creamer, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Egg, Mission Flour Tortillas (Small), Cheddar Cheese, Bacon, Protein Factory Whey Protein Powder, Baby Spinach, Pineapple, Banana, Plain Yogurt. more...

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((Hugs)) Quite sadly heroin and Xanax are both extremely easy to get around here, and it's killing an entire generation. *Sigh* Sorry you are having a hard time, I hate to read that you are ever feeling down. Paying the bills is stressful, even when the money is there... I don't know why. I'm procrastinating right now for no good reason because I don't feel like balancing the account. Just so tired of all the responsibilities, it gives me anxiety. The point is you're not alone in your emotional roller coaster days, and I am super proud of you for getting through without using food for comfort. For what it's worth I think you're a wonderful person, and I would love to go funning with you. Have a better day :)  
12 Sep 14 by member: Annabelle3117
One day at a time is all we can do sometimes. Even one minute at a time can be tough. Hang in there, Bella; this journey is not easy. You continue to inspire me. Onward!  
12 Sep 14 by member: kclab
Good for you for eating only one cookie. If you never give up you can never fail. I hope you feel better tomorrow. 
12 Sep 14 by member: snezica
I feel for you ((Hugs)). Having to deal with the sadness of losing a close loved one is really hard. I am sure he would want you to enjoy life and remember all the great times you had together. You are doing wonderful by not over indulging and having to be down about that later. I hope you are feeling better now. 
12 Sep 14 by member: kattay
You are one tuff lady!! Congrats on getting through and eating only 1 cookie. Amazing!! 
12 Sep 14 by member: aggie95
Go Calgonning all day long, sweet Bella. That has been suggested to me on so very many occasions and, while my bathroom is fulled stocked to allow for a lovely experience, I never do it. I always turn to the cookies. Or, I want to say, that is what I have historically done. I hope I'm turning the page on this history.... 
12 Sep 14 by member: Sweet Ce
...so, all that just to say, thanks (again) for the inspiration.  
12 Sep 14 by member: Sweet Ce
Bella, you are a continuing inspiration for many of us here, don't give up. Lean on us as we have leaned on you. Sorry Muffy wasn't in a cuddly mood, my old man Munch is like that sometimes, hides under the bed... hang in there Bella. You can get through this. I was watching my bank account on line ten times a day this week, in case I had to move some funds from savings before payday. Somehow I made it with only a few $$ left. I was lucky last time I wasn't watching and have overdraft protection. Only once. Sometimes a good cry helps..  
12 Sep 14 by member: wholefoodnut
There have been restrictions put on controlled meds in my area. The problem is that makes it difficult for people who have legitimate need for them. I had to travel all around my city to find the pain meds my wife needed after knee replacement. The pharmacists won't tell you over the phone if they have the meds in stock, you have to drive there only to find out they can't fill the script and can't tell you who can. 
13 Sep 14 by member: jmb3450
Try some valerian, an herb that is anti-anxiety. Works for me, available at drugstores, health food stores and Walmart. It even the anxiety attacks I used to have, also 2 or 3 are great for quieting your mind and letting you sleep.  
13 Sep 14 by member: wholefoodnut
Thinking of you Bella. I like reading your journal even when you're down, although it makes me want to hug you through my laptop. I much prefer funning to working, exercising, sewing, painting, carpentering, plumbing, heck...funning is right up there with eating! I'll pray you feel cozy and comforted today and all through your lost weekend. 
13 Sep 14 by member: Hipaagrammy
You know what? I have been like that before .... zoning out on when bills are due and then they get late. I know my husband has done that, too ... and then we go mad paying stuff without transferring money over to cover bills. I guess we are older than you, but sometimes I think we just get tired of having to PAY THE DAGGONE BILLS and need a break. LMAO!!! It's crazy, isn't it? It's like the brain goes on vacation, or something. I am just saying ... it hit a cord with me when you came out and actually said you did that. It sure made me feel better. Hee Hee! Hang in there, Bells .... there is only so much a person can deal with sometimes. You have certainly had your share. Glad to be here taking this journey with you. Hugs! 
13 Sep 14 by member: Mom2Boxers
Hi Bella, just checking in, letting you know I'm alive, and hoping you survived your working week-end.  
15 Sep 14 by member: sarahsmum
Love your honesty and sense of humour. My man, Sparky, doesn't like cuddles at night and scoots to the foot of the bed. Sometimes he snuggles in the morning, but only with my back! So inspired by your sensible handling of your emotions. Good for you. 
16 Sep 14 by member: ChrisSpark


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