donniemae's Journal

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13 August 2021

13 August 2021


A ❤️heartfelt thanks to my wonderful friends:
Ettenauj - Ridemariel - Penny Firmin - Shrewdness - Jimmiepop - Hebrews1036 - lan_sd - Taiwyn - Beauxpurdy & so many others here on Fatsecret that encourages, show me 💚support and concern.

My Journey Start:
I'm obese, starting weight unknown. 5001bs was only written due to Fatsecret's max limitation to Join, but I feel/know I weighed way more.

My Choice in a healthier lifestyle:
Keto + OMAD FASTING < > One Meal A Day... 6pm every day.

My Weight:
Still Unknown

Weak, need to do excuse for it, only the facts, that I'm not doing what needs to be done.

Praise! God, The weight is shedding. I'm wearing clothes that were very huge yet in no way were able to fit that was stored away. My skin looks healthier, my face is so much leaner, walking around without shortness of breath, keeping a record of my progress by trying on things that could not fit, allowing my family to take pictures of myself that were not allowed in past, this way I compare in order to see the changes.

There are some that may read this that don't know me & some that have been a blessing that supports me... I've been very open about being obese, it's a very depressing, hard way to live, to allow oneself as I did to get so huge that my body has become a prison. I needed help to do everything & I mean everything, I either struggled or just wasn't able to do things others don't even think of as tasks, like walking, bathing, going out, it got so bad even breathing became an issue due to so much fat, my bedroom became my hiding place, my palace, my bed a throne, that I hid & stayed on even from family, a place of disgust, shame a place of hate of myself.
God has smiled on me, helped me, to turn my way of thinking, eating, the destructive way I was living my life that he blessed me with. Anyone with serious weight problems knows/understands the struggles, the weaknesses, the failures, the disappointments, hating of yourself, suicidal thoughts even attempts to take our lives...But, Oh give thanks! unto God for his mercy, his love, for him keeping me, not allowing me to soul would have been doomed for eternity.
Yes! life is hard, I'm very poor, not only with the weight I have problems, which makes this journey in my life so much harder-complicated, life is rough, we all have our cross to bear, some worst than others due to choices we've made but nothing is worth taking our own life & losing our soul over.
I would like to take this chance to encourage each of you to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and tarry for the Holy Ghost, serve God, keep his commandments, live like there's no tomorrow, we're not promised it, that's why God said now! is the acceptable time, we don't know where death is and if we don't get our souls right with God before we die, all we do in this life won't matter or help us, we would regret the day that we were born, cursed to darkness, indescribable suffering, pain, agony, torment in a lake of fire, where the body never die. This life is temporary, were vanity, we're nothing less than nothing in God's sight, he doesn't need us, we need God.
God loves us so much that: John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. It's a good thing to live healthy, to take care of our bodies, to love one another, to be our brothers & sisters' keepers, just as we strive to do these wonderful beneficial things, it is with even more diligence that we need to worship and serve God.
I try my best to put God 1st, I'm not perfect, with many flaws but I pray & trust in him to help me and Yes! he can do it for you too. I don't write much but when I do I express with passion & ask God to lead me, as I write this my heart is full, tears pour from my eyes... there are many hurting & we have to be careful what's said, we don't know what the other is going through.
I want to encourage all hurting, no matter what is going on in your life, if you feel that no one loves you, no matter how the devil talks to your mind, God loves you, I love you, even though you may not know me or others but there's a Holy people, standing in the gap praying for you, for lost souls, for God's protection, for His mercy, your provisions, for miracles, healings and more important for your soul salvation.
I pray that our heavenly Father, bless you all & help you in your journey in accomplishing a healthy way of living your life.🙏God bless❤️💕🥰💕
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
226.8 kg 0 kg 90.7 kg Reasonably Well
   (16 comments) steady weight

12 August 2021

12 August 2021

10 August 2021

donniemae's Weight History

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