xohhjeez's Journal

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05 November 2015

Wednesday night Crossfit last night!

Warm Up:
400m run
15 sit ups
15 supermans
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10OH squats

4 reps EMOM
7 mins

AMRAP 9min
40 Wall Balls
30 KB Swings
20 Med Ball Sit Ups
10 HR Push Ups

15 mins light cardio

Unfortunately I did not wear my HRM so I have no idea how many calories I burned yesterday, but giving an educated guess, and based off of how many I have been burning in other classes, I would say anywhere from 550-600.

I think this was the first class where I really got to do strength stuff, which was awesome because I love lifting heavy things. Because it was my first one though and because I still feel incredibly out of shape lately, I used a lot less weight than I probably should have. Overall I could probably push myself a lot more during crossfit, use heavier weights, try to do more reps. etc. I'm still relatively new at it still though, and I would prefer to ease my body back into it as much as I can. Don't get me wrong though, each class has been incredibly challenging and I push myself, but I could be pushing myself harder. I also want to make sure my form is still good.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

04 November 2015

I really need to get back on track.

This year has not been a good year in my journey. Last Thanksgiving, I recorded my record adult low, at 143. At that point I had lost just shy of 30 pounds. My overall goal is about 50 pounds lost, to get my weight somewhere between 120-125. I remember being SO EXCITED Thanksgiving morning, I made sure to take a picture of myself because I looked and felt absolutely amazing. I was incredibly slim, eating clean, and working out on a consistent schedule. I was so happy with myself and so proud of where I had gotten. And then the holidays came an I let myself slip a little bit. My friend who I worked out with 3x a week moved a half hour away, so I feel out of my workout routine, but still maintained with healthy eating for a few months. But then I just stopped. I started eating out more, I stopped logging a lot of what I was consuming. I stopped working out almost altogether. I gained about 20 pounds back, and now I'm about 161. I am having the absolute worst time trying to get back on the wagon. I can honestly say I've been trying for months. Everytime I get on track, I seem to self sabotage, or just fall into a habit of binge eating things that I shouldn't. I have no self control anymore, and I can't seem to just say no to my cravings. I miss feeling confident, and fitting into my clothes, and having a nice muscle tone. I notice my cankles that I had when I was at my highest seem to be coming back, and my face and fingers are getting pudgier again.

This isn't difficult. I have lost weight before. I know exactly what I have to do to achieve my goals. I know the process, and I know being consistent does show results. I just can't seem to make myself do it. I have gotten back into working out, but until I curb my eating habits, I am not going to lose any of the fat that I want gone.

Sorry for the pity party post. I am hoping that I can look back occasionally and remember how crappy I feel right now and maybe I can make some better choices in the future.

Hope everyone is having a good week!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
73.0 kg 3.6 kg 5.0 kg Reasonably Well
   (6 comments) Gaining 0.9 kg a Week

03 November 2015

Well this week my Crossfit place is doing something called a "blackout week." Normally they post the workouts on their website the night before, so people can have a headsup to what they're doing. Well this week they are not posting any workouts, so you have to go in blindly and hope for the best. I went this morning (another early 5am day!), and it did kind of stink a bit..

Warm up:
800m run
10 push ups (2x)
10 lunges (2x)
10 KB swings (2x)
10 Hollow backs (2x)

30 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
5 Burpees
5 Pull Ups
2 min rest

Obviously I am not at the point of being able to do rope climbs or pull ups, so I did have to do the scaled version. Hopefully at some point I will be able to, but for now I am still at the point of just getting through the workouts as best I can. Burned roughly 560 calories in an hour.

Still planning on going to my normal Wednesday 5:30pm class as well!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

30 October 2015

Well, I finally did it. Woke up at 5am to get to the 5:30am crossfit class. Class was a literally killer, torched about 545 calories. Will be working today until 4:30 so hopefully I don't have any negative reactions to moving around so early. I can definitely tell I am going to be super sore though. It was pretty rough.

400m run
50 thrusters
40 situps
30 overhead lunges
20 box overs
100m row
20 box overs
30 overhead lunges
40 situps
50 thrusters

All while holding a medicine ball. If you dropped it, you would have to do 15 burpees. I did NOT drop that ball.

Needless to say the workout was rough, but it went by quick. I would say the hardest part was the run. I am not a natural runner, and really not good at it. The last one, I walked for most of it. I was still really sore from my workout on Wednesday too. Realistically I should have given myself a rest, but I probably wont be able to work out tomorrow or Sunday at all.

I was really insistant on working out today also, because we're getting Paula's donuts for my coworkers birthday. Now I can eat one with minimal guilt.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a Happy Halloween!

23 October 2015

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
71.4 kg 5.2 kg 3.4 kg Reasonably Well
   (1 comment) Losing 1.6 kg a Week

xohhjeez's Weight History

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