Miss Cassie's Journal

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14 January 2013

05 September 2010

20 July 2010

Okay, so I haven't been following my diet or exercising in three weeks. Sue me. However, today is a big day. I'm tracking what I eat, working out, and I haven't had a cigarette since last night, about 7:00pm. If I can quite smoking, I will have saved 35 dollars in a week and a half. A month of not smoking and I can upgrade my Wii Active!

I'm not so concerned about sticking straight to my diet. Right now I'm pretty broke, and it's very difficult to spend all that money on high-protein foods and fresh veggies. So, until I get a big check I'm expecting next month, I will just eat as healthy as I can, and I will track everything I eat and drink.

Of course, today is the first day I exercised in three weeks. My legs officially feel like rubber and I could kill a boy scout for a cigarette. But, it will get better. :)

14 June 2010

Back from vacation.

Too many carbs, not enough sleep.

Glad to be home.

More coherent thought later.

--As promised, more coherent thought.
We had a wonderful time this weekend. Game was great, zoo was fun, hotel was beautiful...all good stuff.

We got back last night, and I was EXHAUSTED!!!! But of course, the coffee I drank at dinner last night to keep me awake for the ride home backfired on me. :) I was up until after 1:00 this morning. :)

Got up around 7:30 this morning and felt...blah. I chalked it up to vacation hangover. Got my house cleaned, made coffee, checked my school stuff (passed my first week with flying colors!!!!) and got hunkered on the couch for some serious geek TV when I started to feel. Like. HELL.

Sure enough, I've been sick as a dog for most of the day. Tried to have some pepperoni for lunch and I could only manage about 1/2 a serving before my stomach revolted. Since, I've been surviving on water. I'm trying some chicken broth right now, for the health benefits and comfort benefits. :)

Wish me luck.

09 June 2010

Miss Cassie's Weight History

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