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25 November 2015

Happy Wednesday!

I found some interesting articles on insulin I want to share.
Part 1
Part 2

To all my US friends, I wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy yourself and may the idiot box be kind on Friday. If you do gain weight it will almost certainly be water and easily lost so don't stress over it.

23 November 2015

Happy Monday!

My workouts for last week were the following.

Monday - 11 Sprints, 30 sec sprint/60 sec jog, Max pace 5:47/mile
Tuesday - Weights Upper body/ core
Wednesday - 9 hill sprints
Thursday - Off (took DW in for a minor procedure)
Friday - Run 1 hour, 6.11 miles, 9:49/mile
Saturday - Run, 1 hour 45 minutes, 10.02 miles, 10:29/mile

Now time for a geek out. What I have been reading is about the energy systems of the body. What I have found out is that there are 3 energy systems in the human body. The body runs on adenosine triphosphate (ATP). All of the energy systems work on either creating or recycling ATP.

The first system is the phosphagen system (also called the ATP-CP system). This uses stored ATP which is broken down to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) plus energy. The ADP is then recycled using creatine phosphate (CP) as a phosphate donor to convert the ADP back to ATP which is then consumed again. This system produces energy quickly but can only last up to 10 seconds due to the limited supply of CP. This is an anaerobic process and does not require oxygen.

The next system is glycolysis. This uses glucose for all out effort lasting 30 sec to 2 minutes. The glucose or glycogen broken down to glucose is converted into pyruvate plus ATP. Each molecule of glucose produces 2 pyruvate and 2 ATP. If there is adequate oxygen available the pyruvate will be used in the next process, if not it will be converted to lactic acid. There is not a corresponding pathway for the breakdown of ketones.

The third system is the aerobic system. This system is used for longer activities and requires oxygen. This system can use glucose, glycogen, fatty acids and ketones as fuel. For glucose and broken down glycogen, it is first converted to pyruvate and then to acetyl-CoA. The acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle (also called the citric acid cycle or TCA cycle) and gets converted to ATP plus intermediaries. Fats can be broken down through beta oxidation to acetyl-CoA which then enters the Krebs cycle.

The main ketone bodies are a and acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate. Ketones are converted to acetoacetate and then to acetyl-CoA which enters the Krebs cycle.

Different exercises utilize the different pathways and can be affected by diet. The ATP-CP system is used for short term, high intensity exercises such as all out sprints or weight lifting. This system is the same on a carbohydrate or ketogenic diet. Supplementing with creatine can super load CP into the muscles.

Glycolysis can only occur on a carbohydrate diet. There is not a similar pathway using ketones. This pathway is utilized during high intensity exercises such as weight lifting and sprinting.

The aerobic system can be utilized whether on a carbohydrate or ketogenic diet. This system is used for endurance type activities. There is some speculation that the ketogenic diet may be superior to the carbohydrate diet for this process.

Well, that about sums it up. So much for my geek session.

Have a great week everybody!

22 November 2015

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
98.1 kg 7.6 kg 7.3 kg Reasonably Well
   (1 comment) Losing 0.1 kg a Week

15 November 2015

Recording another loss for this week. I hope this trend continues leading up to Thanksgiving and my full diet break the first full week of December. That will lead into an increase in my daily caloric intake as I formally start my 12 week half marathon training program.

My workouts for the week were as follows.

Monday - Run 50 minutes, 5.22 miles, 9:35/mile
Tuesday - Weights, Upper Body/Core
Wednesday - 8 Hill Sprints
Thursday - Weights, Legs/Lower Body
Friday - Run, 1 hour, 6.39 miles, 9:25/mile
Saturday - Run, 1 hour 45 minutes, 9.76 miles, 10:45/miles

I have gotten a lot faster in my runs. I'm happy with my progress but I need to keep pushing myself.

The diet I'm following is more of a IIFYM type of diet. I target 150g of protein/day and around 45-50% carbs, the remainder fat. I know that a lot of people on this site are on a LCHF diet. I was also using that approach initially and it really did help with lowering my blood glucose. As I increased the intensity of my workouts I found out I did better with more carbs. I then moved in the direction of paleo. The more I read the more I find that the human body is very adaptable. There are populations like the Inuit that eat next to no carbs all the way to the Kitavans that eat around 69% carbs to the rural Zulu with 90% carbs.

I think it boils down to the diet you can maintain over your lifetime. I'm not saying you can't start with one and then move to another later. Actually I encourage that type of experimentation to find out what works for you. There are a lot of eating strategies and I think the basics are the same for all, get into a calorie deficit to lose weight.

As far as weight loss goes, it's not a linear path down. Some weeks you might see an increase or stay the same. If you are in a caloric deficit the weight will come down. Losing weight is may be a slow process as you can only cut so many calories from your diet. Wile you can eat several thousands of calories over you needs you can only cut down to 0 (fasting). That is your maximum. I don't recommend that for the long term. Typically it is to set your deficit to around 500 calories per day and you should lose about 1 lb/week on average.

Enough rambling for this week. I hope everyone has a great remainder of their weekend!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
98.2 kg 7.5 kg 7.4 kg Reasonably Well
   (7 comments) Losing 0.5 kg a Week

08 November 2015

Today I hit a new milestone. I'm at my lightest weight since the early 1980's! Yay me!

Today is my rest day with a refeed. It appears the diet I'm on is similar to one called the spike diet. That diet is basically 6 days at your BMR calories with 1 day 'spike' of 2x BMR. Mine is a little more structured as I focus on carbs for my refeed while the spike diet allows anything on the 'spike' day. Whatever this diet is called it appears to be working well.

My workouts for last week.

Monday - 20 intervals, 30 sec fast, 1 min jog Fastest pace 6:14/mile
Tuesday - Weights, upper body/core
Wednesday - 80 min run, 7.5 miles, 10:38/mile
Thursday - Weights, legs/lower body
Friday - 50 min run, 4.75 miles, 10:32/mile
Saturday - 105 min run, 9 miles, 11:37/mile

Last week was the end of my Workout base training. Next week starts Hills. I don't think I'll have the calorie burn I've had this week but it will be challenging.

I hope everybody is having a great weekend.
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
98.7 kg 7.0 kg 8.0 kg Reasonably Well
   (10 comments) Losing 1.7 kg a Week

CatHerder's Weight History

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