TJSloan's Journal

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19 April 2018

I have finished the book I was reading, and I have talked with my husband. We have discussed the things I have read, as well as discussed the things I had talked about with a doctor. We have both decided that we are going to do the 5:2 diet, starting the beginning of the week, Sunday. Our fasting days will be Mondays and Thursdays for me. I'm sure he will agree to those days as well.

We have also just "adopted" a new puppy from our niece. She is a beautiful animal, Husky Sheppard mix, not quite 4 months old. Already weighs 25 pounds and is determined that she's going to be the boss. Our 10 year old 6 pound chihuahua is not happy with us, or with her, truly not happy about the entire situation. She has been an "only child" for 2 yrs now, after the passing of our last border collie. The chihuahua, her name is Amber, is truly an alpha, has been since the day we brought her home 10 yrs ago. The husky, Juno, has a lot of learning to do, and though Amber is not patient, she too has a lot of learning to do. Slowly, we are making it work. We've only had Juno 4 days now, but I am amazed with Juno. She doesn't chew on things, except the rawhide "oinkies" we give her, and well, she likes my green fuzzy house shoes. I finally had to throw them in the closet, not that she's tearing them up, but she does play with them at night while we sleep. So far, no accidents in the house either.

I have managed to stay between 216 and 217 for a bout a week now. No complaints there. My sugar hasn't been too bad, this morning it was 139, but I'm pretty sure it's the little home-made pizzas I had last night along with the stuffed mushrooms and new potatoes. But I'm also on week 2 without using the Bydurion injection. So little wins.

10 April 2018

So, I started reading a book title: The FastDiet. The premise is you eat a normal healthy way 5 days a week, then eat like 500 calories (for women) 2 non-consecutive days days a week. I've stated before, I grow tired of having to count, and control everything that goes into my mouth. Most times, I prefer the notion of "all things in moderation" and I really suck at the dieting lifestyle. My niece is doing the Keto diet and she's doing awesome, several people here at work have had major success on the Keto diet, but it's not for me, there's too much deprivation in it for me. I've tried the Herbalife system, my husband lost a lot of weight on it, but when he stopped, all the weight came back and then some. I've been looking for something that will help me lose weight, something easy to maintain, something that doesn't deprive me of things I want/like/enjoy, something that can become a way of life.

Here's what I'm seeing so far:
1. The FastDiet demands that we thing about not just what we eat, but when we eat it.
2. There are no complicated rules to follow; the strategy is flexible, comprehensible, and user friendly.
3. There is no daily slog of calorie control, none of the boredom, frustration, or serial deprivation that characterizes conventional diet plans.
4. Yes, it involves fasting, but not as you know it, you won't "starve" on any given day.
5. You can still enjoy the foods you love, most of the time.
6. Once the weight is off, sticking to the basic program will mean that it stays off.
7. Weight loss is only one benefit of the FastDiet. The real dividend is the potential long-term health gains, cutting your risk of a range of diseases including diabetes, heart disease and cancer

Yes, a lot, if not every diet, weight loss program, out there makes the same claims. But over the years of my being a member of Fatsecret, I have heard and read of a lot of people who were on a very similar fasting program, some more extreme, some not so much, that have had amazing results and kept it off.

On other subjects, my bs this morning was 107. That's 2 wks so far of a morning bs of less than 110, for the most part. I'm happy. I did have a sprite on Sunday when we went to the movies, but I barely drank a quarter of it, if even that much, and that was the only time in the last week or so that I have had a Sprite. I don't miss them as much as I missed my Cokes, when I came off them in favor of Sprite. Most of the time, now, if I want something that I know I shouldn't have, I do like my husband does with spending money. I refuse to purchase it at that time, and wait. If I still want it later in the day, or the next day, I may go back and purchase it, if I'm back in that store, and it's still available. But usually, once I leave the location, it never crosses my mind to go back after it later. That, my dear friends, is progress.

08 April 2018

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
98.0 kg 1.8 kg 14.1 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Losing 0.7 kg a Week

05 April 2018

04 April 2018

So, yesterday I felt like crap, wasn't too sure why, so I blamed it on allergies and trying to get re-acquainted with work after being on vacation. However, I did decide to watch my blood sugar since I have a new gadget and it makes it seemingly less of a hassle. Yesterday morning fresh out of bed, BS was 96. Went for a walk, just over 2 miles in just over 30 minutes. BS after exercise was 115. Went for a walk for lunch at work felt nauseated the enter time, checked it after the 30 minute walk: 79. Ate lunch, checked it after lunch: 81. Went home, had dinner, cabbage roll and little white potatoes, checked it maybe two hours after eating, but when I was on my way to bed: 121. Checked it again this morning, as I do most mornings, fresh out of bed: 105.

Now, today, I have not been as good today as I was yesterday. Someone brought in donuts, and of course, they had my favorite lemon filled. I ate 2 of them, then had JimmyJohns for lunch. Also had a mocha coffee this morning. And approximately 2 hours after lunch, not so good.....140. I liked yesterdays numbers better, and I knew better than to eat those donuts. Yes, today I have made bad choices. And I'm going to make another bad choice today and stop by Starbucks for a machiatto. I will try to make up for these bad choices by getting on my eliptical, or maybe if it's not too dark, seeing if hubby wants to go for a walk downtown tonight. Didn't walk this morning because of the rain.

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