AnthonyA21's Journal

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25 July 2018

I feel so bad for avoiding this site for so long, I can't believe it's been more than 4 months since my last my last journal entry lol, guess I just got simply tired of recording almost the same meals everyday. I also see that I seemed to have LIED about my weight loss a little. (It says I weighed 196 but I know I didn't weight that until just 1 month ago!!!) I was probably more than likely around 210 at the time. I think I just wanted to act like I was 196 in order to feel more confident in my journey in getting there.

Anyway.... Since then, I've discovered "Dr. Morse" who recommends a Raw Fruitarian diet (Veges are OK sometimes though lol) and since then... (about 1 and a HALF months ago) I've been eating around 80% Fruits, 10% Meats, (although I only consume meat around TWICE A WEEK and also, it's not any Red Meats.) 10 -20% Veges DAILY and I've finally gotten (quite easily might I add) down from my PLATEAU of 207 - 210 lbs. to
187 lbs. today which means... For the first time in over 8 or so years, I'm no longer technically classified as OBESE according to a BMI calculator I used on LIVESTRONG (website) which is the biggest milestone I've ever hit in my Journey to lose weight.

For the last Month and a half, I usually wake up, throw in a H-E-B smoothie Blend (it has JUST FRUIT, no kind of preservatives or any Corn syrup bs) in my Ninja blender, drink it down, eat a apple, a banana, drink some water, and I'm STUFFED and feel pretty good. No more digestion issues or anything. I've NEARLY completely given up all Meats, Cheeses, Grains, (Whole Grain Bread, Tortillas etc.) which I never thought I could do. I guess what's motivating me is the fact that I have pretty bad (yet to be diagnosed by a doctor) Arthritis at just 19 years old and also was suffering terribly with sudden Anxiety and Depression. That man I mentioned earlier (Dr. Morse) talks about WEAK Adrenal Glands being a culprit of Anxiety and Bone loss, also the Lymphatic System. I hope one day I can end up reversing this Moderate bone loss at least 40%. Pretty soon I'll get some of Dr. Morse's products in order to help me detox even more efficiently and hopefully things can really start improving. Maybe one day I'll update again on here with my progress on treating my "Bone Problem(s)" after using his products.
(I've heard people have AMAZING results with them. One Woman diagnosed with MS who was completely confined to a wheelchair started Dr. Morse's plan and in 6 - 7 months she was able to actually walk again (not normally but she could, and all on her own, no assistance needed! Her nerves started regenerating!) she had been stuck in that wheelchair for 9 - 10 years if I remember correctly. It was a testimony video and I'm sure you could find it with a search on Google or YouTube. At the end of the video she says something like "I will be donating my walker as I won't need it anymore" haha! I thought that was great.

Since being on this Raw Fruit (mainly) Diet, I think I feel more stable in my moods, I'm not feeling so easily frightened with Anxiety, there was a point where I was crying every single day for around 2 weeks straight when I had BARELY started this diet and now this happens maybe once every 2 weeks at the most! I was waking up TWICE a night from my sleep after only 1 - 3 hours, now this is 90% or more GONE and I can sleep a full 7 or 8 hours without waking up in the middle of the night. I can't give COMPLETE credit to my Raw Fruitarian diet though because watching Motivation/Self-Help videos for Anxiety for about one week straight also helped me I'm sure (or at least did temporarily)

Ah, also, my joint/nerve pain isn't AS GREAT as it was feeling before I started. (Maybe a 10% - 20% decrease) I can only hope this all gets better and if I end up not being able to fix this within the next 3 - 6 months and I have to get some kind of surgery to fix the grinding in my joints, I know this diet is definitely going to help prevent anything else terrible from happening to me in the near and long term future. I can feel it.

Some background info about me.
I'm currently, in 2018, 19 years old.
All my life up until around Age 13 - 15, I was eating terribly, my parent's would always take me to eat at the local Chinese Buffets once OR EVEN TWICE a week and then when we'd be home, My Mom would cook Mexican food (Refined white Mexican style rice, Beans, Refried Beans, Enchiladas, Crispy Tacos with the fat 80/20 beef, Chicken Mole with all the fat in it.) or maybe some SHAKE N BAKE Chicken in the Oven, I was rarely ever eating a Fruit or a Vegetable up until around 13 - 15years old (but even when I started to around this age, it wasn't nearly enough!)

My Dad passed away when I was 10 y/o and it was (well IMO) because of his Diet and I now know/realize that. His Arteries were blocked, he had Diabetes, he was taking over 10 medications a day etc. and he continued to make poor food choices. (Him nor my Mom knew anything about nutrition!) I myself started to develop the infamous Diabetes black line across my neck at just 9 or 10 years old. By 11 years old or so, I still remember weighing in around 280 pounds, YEAH, Two Hundred AND EIGHTY Pounds, at just 11. At 12 I realized I needed to lose weight so I crash dieted, ate barely ANYTHING (resulting in less than 500 calories a day) and in ONE MONTH, I went from about 280, to 250. I then got stuck for a little bit there but I'm sure by 13 years old I managed to go down to 220 Pounds. I then got stuck there also for a few years, around 15 or 16 years old, I dropped for a short period of time to around 201 lbs. I think I hit 199 lbs. because I hadn't ate OR DRANK anything for 1 or 2 days, Yikes, anyway, then I had to eat cause DUH! So I ended up going up to 210 lbs. and I stayed there up until this year, 2018, at 19 years old, I finally managed to pull it off with a mainly Raw Fruitarian diet after trying so hard with the Ketogenic diet, Vegan diet, Just salad, etc. all that... I finally managed to get UNDER 200 lbs. and this time it wasn't temporary for a few hours. Now I've almost effortlessly managed to even get under the 190's like I mentioned earlier, I am currently weighing in at 187 lbs. The lowest I've been in over 8 years. I probably weighed 187 when I was like 8 or 9 years old, honestly!

Wish me Luck.

- Daniel Anthony Alejos
from San Antonio, TX.

24 July 2018

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
84.8 kg 16.3 kg 5.4 kg 100%
   Add Comment Losing 0.2 kg a Week

24 February 2018

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
88.9 kg 12.2 kg 9.5 kg 100%
   Add Comment Losing 3.2 kg a Week

23 February 2018

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
89.4 kg 11.8 kg 10.0 kg 100%
   Add Comment Losing 6.4 kg a Week

22 February 2018

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
90.3 kg 10.9 kg 10.9 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Losing 3.2 kg a Week

AnthonyA21's Weight History

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