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06 January 2014

Very cold (for here) and windy....just 33 degrees mid-morning! I've had to pull out my Midwest-tested and Midwest-approved coats to get the dogs out and to take out the recycling and put my pool pump on "continuous."

Yesterday, we were close to 70 degrees before this monster front came through. We'll be in the teens tonight and won't go above freezing tomorrow. These are supposed to be the lowest temps this area has seen in over 20 years. Not sure about that, as the winter of 2009/2010 had its moments, too.

In any event, I'm happy that we took some precautions earlier this season. But I suspect all of us will lose some landscape plantings, as most of them are not quite as cold hardy as they'd need to be for these temps. On the plus side, these temps should knock back the mosquito and creepy-crawly populations!

I'm thrilled to be back on a regular schedule this week!!! One can only take so much vacation...LOL!

02 January 2014

Happy 2014 to all! Did everyone see the Google search "20134" and "20143"? I thought it was so cute!

I haven't been on in 2 weeks, or so FS, didn't think it was THAT long. Time flies, esp. around the holidays.

Time for 2014 and time to begin switching from "holiday" to "normal." Decorations are coming down little by little and the indulgence foods are dwindling. I refuse to get on the least for awhile. I can tell my clothes are a bit snug, but the good thing is that the wrinkles on my face are somewhat filled in! If it weren't for the added pounds, I'd stay at whatever weight I am right now just so my face would look better!

Such a choice.....vanity for the body or vanity for the face.....hmmmmmm.

DH has gone back to work after a goodly amount of time off. Nice to have him home, but I'm thankful for a normal routine to kick in again.

One issue reared its ugly head, though. DH's boss came to have a talk with DH about his/our retirement plans and they talked about certain specific dates. DH's retirement is either late 2015 or fall of 2016, depending on whether DH applies for a certain waiver. The key point here was that DH's boss was coming to talk about these things. Generally that means that someone else, higher up, is beginning to look at possible moves for this summer and DH's name has come up for a possible move. UGH!!!

We thought getting by last summer without a move would keep DH safe from any more moves in his career, due to his short time left, but the reality is "they" can do anything "they" want, regardless of DH's time left. There's ALWAYS a way. Hopefully not, but it looks like we may be holding our breath until May.

19 December 2013

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
72.1 kg 34.5 kg 6.4 kg Reasonably Well
   (2 comments) steady weight

13 December 2013

Well, it's official, DH passed his fitness assessment! Fortunately, he hasn't mentioned any huge indiscretion and, get this, he's actually grocery shopping for me after work! YAY!!!! (I think....LOL!) Who knows what our pantry will look like this week!

I think he'll be picking up some more reasonable foods, like apples, maybe low-carb tortillas, etc. rather than going off the deep end with his food choices. I'm going to be cooking up some burgers in about an hour to have ready when he gets home, so hopefully, tonight can stay on plan for me.

It was a busy day today. I finally went to have my blood drawn for a standard lipid test. I was supposed to have a re-test back in August, but just never got around to that whole fasting thing. My doctor had transferred anyway, so I'll be starting over with a new doctor one of these first days.

After the blood draw, I headed to church to help with a bulletin, then it was time to turn in 3 of the 4 Angel Tree gifts. It's easier delivering them on a weekday than on Sunday. I'll have that last gift wrapped by Sunday so I can turn it in then. After that, it was time for a recycling drop-off and then a short trip to Wally World. I got some very nice looking poinsettias for my fireplace mantle and some flavored almonds. What a combination! No wonder the cashier looked at me funny - LOL!

After a belated breakfast (I got WAY too hungry!) and a couple loads of laundry, it was time for the doggies and I to take our walk and now, I'm back here!

Hope everyone's Friday the 13th is uneventful - LOL! Happy weekend!

12 December 2013

Whoo-hoo! I can weigh in again!

Another cold morning, but nothing compared to all my buddies in colder parts of the country. Still....I bundled up and took both doggies the full distance. I probably won't be walking them tomorrow, as I've got an AM commitment at church.

Got loads and loads of stuff to do today and it's already 11 without much to scratch off the to-do list. Just gotta keep on plugging along. Gift wrapping is a major part of the agenda for today, as is putting the rest of the ornaments on the tree....right now, it's about half decorated. As for the gifts, well, I've got to get them shipped out on Monday, if not before. Sunday is already a full schedule, as is Saturday. So, that leaves today and tomorrow - YIKES!!!

Doing well, food-wise, but am afraid of what Friday will bring. DH has a fitness assessment at work and, assuming he passes, he's already been talking about all the major indulgences he wants....Chinese buffet, pizza, etc. This is going to be a real toughie for me. I planned on "some" indulgences over Christmas, but I can't start eating my way through December beginning on the 13th! I'm just beginning to finally make a bit of progress on my own weight and I'm not ready to give that up, although I'm not feeling very mentally tough right now.

If he pushes to do something indulgent, I'm considering trying to deter him from the pizza, for now, and instead have us go to the Chinese buffet. There, I can force myself to eat the foods that would still be on-plan, staying away from the General Tso's chicken, orange chicken, puddings, cookies, etc. They DO have regular salad, broiled fish, green beans, carrots, etc. It's just that that's not what I would typically eat there - LOL!

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