angel_face0145's Journal

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20 March 2020

20 March 2020

Today is day 2 of 58 of my journaling for self-discovery. Prompt #2 is 15 things that put a smile on my face. During this trying time for everyone, our schedules being disrupted, working from home, etc. it might be hard to think of 15 things that make us smile, but we got more to smile about than we think. Here is my list:

15 Things that put a smile on my face

1.) God
2.) My Mom
3.) My Nephew
4.) My Family
5.) My Husband
6.) My fur babies
7.) The smell of new shoes
8.) Old books
9.) Writing poetry
10.) Music
11.) A good movie or show
12.) Reading a great book
13.) Picking on my husband
14.) Hearing my 6-year-old nephew say he loves me
15.) Waking up in the morning

My day so far has been good. Doing more cleaning and had a long phone conversation with my mom. I miss going to see her, but I have to resist the urge because she is 65 and I don't wanna risk getting her sick, although my brother does not mind it. He thinks this is all just made up by the government. I hope everyone is being safe and following the guidelines. The sooner we all do what's needed the faster things will go back to normal or at least semi-normal! Have a safe blessed day everyone!

19 March 2020

During the challenging days ahead of all of us, I decided to use my time for self-discovery. I found a 58-day journal prompt on Pinterest and I'm going to be doing one daily on here. The first question is perfect for today's journal.

How has your day been?

My morning started off with a phone call. My sister in law needed a ride to her doctor's appointment. She can't drive and the company she had planned to take her canceled due to the virus. She has breathing problems and was out of her medication. She called the doctor's office first and was informed she had to come in to get her refills. I could of just let my husband take her, but I went also. He has memory problems due to a car accident he was in. I was scared he would forget to wash his hands or sanitize them. I went along so I could remind him. After we got to her doctor's office, I had to pee badly, and I went in with her only to be told only patients could use the restroom, that's fine I said and sat down to tie my shoe. I got jerked up by the receptionist and told if I did not leave they were calling the police. So I politely left while being laughed at. After my sister in law was done 3 hours later, I managed to find a restroom. She needed to also go to the store for a few things so I went with her and bought some frozen goods and puppy pads. After the weird doctor's office ordeal, my day turned a whole lot better. I found some things I needed at the store and got to get out, even though I would have preferred to stay home. The receptionist at the doctor's office was an old schoolmate from high school. She was a bully to me and I beat her up in highschool lol I think she was just being a bully again. She looked me up and down rolled her eyes and laughed. I'm fine though, not letting that get to me. I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed day, stay safe!

17 March 2020

17 March 2020

Left the house at 8 AM in search of food. The shelves have been bare here in our little town. All the towns nearby are empty also. We had about a weeks worth left, mainly carbs. Better than starving. I scored some food today thankfully.

2 family packs of boneless pork chops
1 loaf bread
1 box crackers
1 lettuce head
1 fresh asparagus
4 pack tomatoes
4 bags of frozen veggies
6 cans of veggies
2 packs of sliced ham
2 24 packs of water
frozen fruit
peanut butter
3 lb bag onions

This was a good find, maybe not the best foods, but like stated better than starving. With what we already had we can eat 2-3 weeks. I didn't want to hoard as I know others are looking for food also. I bought what we needed to get buy and nothing more. I let all elders in front of me in the line because I know they were nervous about being out, it was obvious. I have bronchitis, I used too many cleaning products the other day and it burned my throat and lungs. I don't want to go to the doctor unless its a have to situation. A little hard at breathing, but it didn't start until I used some new cleaner. Every time I get around cleaner now I almost lose my breath. Been like this 3 days, if I get worse I will seek medical attention. It doesn't seem to be getting worse. Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! Stay safe, and God bless!

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