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18 July 2012

Why oh why does it have to be sooo hard to make good choices. I know what I should be eating, but I someone just can't stop eating whats not good for me, and I know everything in moderation is how I need to do it, but so many times I forget the moderation part and just do the everything part.

Have a big load off my mind after yesterday. We took our 15 year old to a large hospital yesterday to speak with the pediatric surgeon for the 4th time. We found out in February that he has malrotation, which is a birth defect where his intestines did not rotate back into his body the way they were supposed to at about 10 weeks gestation. It's not a problem unless the small intestine twists and cuts off blood supply to itself and then it can die off in 6 hours. It's a hard thing at his age because 80% of cases of malrotation are diagnosed in the first year of life because it twists. He's never had any problems and we found it when he was having pain and they did a cat scan to see if it was his appendix and that led us to talking with a pediatric surgeon and lots of research. They can do surgery to straighten the small intestine and we could have that done, but its a MAJOR surgery and could lead to problems with scar tissue that he's not having now. Some people have it their whole lives and don't have any problems and don't even know they have it. Of course as soon as my son found out he had it he didn't want to have surgery, so it's been 6 months of research and discussions and not knowing what the best thing to do is. Well we decided not to do anything since he hasn't had any problems in the last 15 years, we figured if it ain't broke don't fix it. However I didn't know if the pediatric surgeon would agree, because he had recommended surgery. Well he was every comforable with our decision and even told us that if it was his son he would do the same thing! Yeah!! It just feels like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my shoulders this morning, and even though we know we need to be vigalent and if he has any severe pain and is vomitting bile we need to get him a major hopital asap, I just having a feeling that he's not ever gonna have a problem with it.

Now I don't have any excuses of stress to eat, so its time to get it going. Thanks to whoever reads this, its a load of my mind and feels good to get it out there.

13 July 2012

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
92.1 kg 7.7 kg 24.0 kg Poorly
   Add Comment Gaining 0.7 kg a Week

12 July 2012

09 July 2012

Vacation was great, but now its over and time to get back on track. I wouldn't say I went absolutely nuts and didn't watch myself at all over vacation, but it defiantly wasn't as good as I normally do. I drank more than I should have, and didn't eat the best, but I did better than I have all the years prior so I am happy with that. I loved seeing my brother and getting to spend time with him, but saying good bye Saturday morning was so hard. I miss him already!!

I sneaked on the scale Saturday night (against my better judgement, but I couln't resist) and I was up 3 pounds. I know part of it is because of water retention from the alcohol and fast food on the way home so I'm not gonna record it. I've been weighing in every 2 weeks anyway so I will just do it this Friday and I think I will be back to what I was before I left, maybe even a loss. That would be nice.

It's back to the grind of work today, and I honestly didn't miss it at all. However since we are basically living paycheck to paycheck it's just something I have to do. It seems rougher today but thats just because I was off all last week, and didn't even have to get out of bed til 9 or 10. It will all be ok, only 39 days til school starts. Since I run a daycare out of my home, when school starts I get back to normal so the countdown is on.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!! I can do this no matter how long it takes or how hard it is!!

02 July 2012

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