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09 August 2010

Hello All! Just a quick update to say hello and let everyone know that me and "the bean" are doing just fine so far.

By my chart you'll see that I'm up 4 pounds which actually goes back to just before pregnancy. I haven't gained any weight so far which is cool because I had to up my calories quite a bit. One thing that I can say about pregnancy is that I'm eating even better than before. I make sure I get in all of my dairy, fruits and vegetables and of course lean proteins. Oh, and carbs...don't forget the carbs!

I'm 7 weeks pregnant and my first appointment isn't until September 3rd but I've been taking prenatal vitamins and taking very good care of myself. I have slacked off on the exercise because I'm so exhausted all of the time but I'm hoping to do better this week. I haven't had too much nausea...only occassionally but we're managing. Hope everyone is doing well!


29 July 2010

21 July 2010

19 July 2010

05 July 2010

So, wow, this weekend has been pretty crazy. I have, well, HAD a friend that I emailed, texted, or spoke with every day. About a month ago, she just got really distant. I asked her if she was ok, if she needed anything, or if I had done something to upset her and I got the whole, "No, everything's fine" line. My husband and I ran into her and her husband Friday night at a VIP event (and no, I'm not that cool-I just helped a customer with a rush job). My husband went to get her husband a drink and asked them to join us. They said they had to go say hello to some friends and would be back...20 minutes later and for the rest of the night they sat at another table by themselves.

My husband went over to talk to them and comes back, telling me he knows why my "friend" is no longer talking to me. It's because we're trying to have a baby! They think it's irresponsible and that we can't afford it and OMG, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? My husband and I both work full time jobs - good jobs - and we own our home. We are not on welfare or food stamps and we have no credit cards. Even if we did, who says that to someone?

This woman is 39 and her husband is 31 and they do not have kids. My husband and I were in their wedding a year and a half ago and helped them move when they bought their home last year. I cannot for the life of me figure out several things.

1.) WTF gives you the right to tell anyone whether or not you think that they should have kids, or not have more kids or not have kids period.

2.) Not have the balls to tell your friend who flat out asks why you stopped hanging out with her but tell HER HUSBAND INSTEAD.

3.) Be cool with my husband (who was the one that initiated this process in the first place) and not be cool with me.

I am fortunate to have many friends but I have to say, this has completely socked me in the gut. I'm floored by this whole experience.

Other than that, I've been eating relatively well and taking pretty good care of myself. Sigh.

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