Annisworkingonit's Journal

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08 April 2024

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
77.9 kg 41.8 kg 14.4 kg Poorly
   Add Comment Gaining 1.7 kg a Week

06 April 2024

Happy Saturday FS friends,

So I binged yesterday. I've tried hard to control emotional eating and up until yesterday, did really well. Turns out that my tolerance for setbacks isn't infinite and stoicism only carries me so far.

Aside from the ongoing anxiety relating to John's potential cancer diagnosis, I found out 2 days ago that there is something neurological going on with my own right foot/leg. In the past few months I've been walking a bit funny and my foot has been falling asleep. I mentioned it at the foot doctor so she did some physical tests and the right side is far weaker than the left. It's almost like drop foot except that it was the left side where the pelvis was fractured and repaired, and left that has the total hip so if any side had neuro issues it should logically be the left. Have booked with my PCP to find out what's up. All I know is that I'm scared witless of falling again so need a foot I can trust.

I was so looking forward to the totality on Monday as my old friend was to come down and spend the weekend and we were going to experience the event together. Given we're expecting a gazillion people here, did my shopping early which included things that normally I would not have in the house. Well my friend cancelled. So I ate my disappointment and underlying anxiety. That stuff I bought....gone. I snorfed most of it. Threw the rest away this morning.

What I learned. My body isn't used to junk anymore. Puffy and swollen today, wicked indigestion and poor sleep overnight.

Thankfully, that emotional eating phase has passed and am back on track today. Will enjoy totality with my furbabies instead.

Over and out

03 April 2024

Happy Wednesday FS friends,

So the washer repair person came by today and washer is now functional. That being said, last night my microwave went kaput, so off to Canadian Tire to pick up another small, on sale one. Not sure why things aren't made to last anymore, but so be it.

Sent John home this morning so I could get some painting done. With his lung issues and possible cancer the paint fumes don't help his breathing one bit. I also figured that it would be easier for him to get to his PET scan in Hamilton next Monday from his place east of Toronto, rather than mine, as I will be in the path of the total eclipse and they are expecting 1 million visitors in the region on the Canadian side alone. Will make for a wee bit of traffic methinks. We had made a date to experience the eclipse together, then the call came that a PET scan appointment had opened up. Glad for the scan, sad that this rare eclipse event wasn't going to be shared.

Anyhoo. Remain on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster as despite his issues with alcohol, he has always been a strong, vibrant, full of life person. Together in past years we have renovated 3 homes (I was gopher girl, granite tile sorter, mudder, sander, grouter, wallpaper stripper, painter and landscape person, he was the trades part of things). To see him constantly tired and sleeping much of the day now is such a change. He's losing weight too, now at 6'6" and 185lbs. Part of his depression likely has to do with his work which he loves but cannot do as he cannot pass the requisite medical, so what would distract him normally isn't an outlet for him now.

With my own weight loss, I'm full of beans and eager to tackle the long list of projects yet don't want to wake him whilst doing so. Although I've tried to be stoic and accept the things I cannot change, my eyes well up every so often and I just start bawling. Have to think positive as we don't know what we don't know.

Luckily I haven't resorted to food as comfort although all that chocolate on sale right now is awfully tempting. Settled on a pommelo instead. Does the "want" for stuff that I shouldn't have ever go away? You could argue that "well just have a few". I'm not built that way unfortunately. A bag of mini-egg chocolates or a panettone would be gone in a day. Two at the most.

And so it goes. One foot in front of the other.

Over and out

01 April 2024

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
76.2 kg 43.5 kg 12.7 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Losing 0.4 kg a Week

30 March 2024

Happy Easter Weekend Saturday FS friends

Not much Eastering going on round here unless you count the boiled egg in my salad. There was a time where I used to love the post Easter chocolate sales especially at my local chocolatier. Well the past is past. The closest I come these days is the chocolate protein powder slurry I add to my morning coffee everyday in lieu of creamer.

Laundry machine went kaput yesterday so have a bucket full of unwashed reusable doggie pee pads on hold pending repair of the machine. Bailed the water out of the machine, dried it up, John took it apart, we both cleaned the guts, reassembled it, tried to run a smaller cycle, same thing. Cycle timer isn't working *not a fan of the electrical smell at all. Unplugged it, bailed it out again. It's eithe reparable or off to the local scrapper it goes.

A bit of sad news (had a good cry today). One of my foster dogs who was adopted in 2011 was euthanised today as he had end stage renal failure and was suffering. Otis "Pupster" was one of the smartest fosters I ever had. He was with me for almost a year before somebody would take a chance on him as he was a reactive biter. Totally manageable with the right tools and approach. His adopter has stayed in touch through the years and brought him to visit both in Toronto and here in Niagara. Without fail, every time he saw me he'd go ballistic, tail a waggin', puppy zoomies, into my lap and kisses galore. He loved me. The feeling was mutual. Dogspeed to the bridge little one.

And so it goes. The cycle of life.

Over and out

Annisworkingonit's Weight History

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