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02 March 2014

Good morning!

Happy Sunday!

Today is gonna be a nice and fun day.

A good friend came over, we went for a nice, long walk, we had the little lunch buffet, and Daughter made Krappy Patties for dinner.

All foods were registered, even a couple of licorice and a small piece of cake. It's all good. I came out of the day with a 400 calorie deficit.

So, I was hoping that nothing would make me retain water, and that I would see a nice little weight drop again today.

I was wrong. I'm up 1.2 kilos! Damn. :)

It's ok, though. My body fat weight is lower than it has been in for a couple of weeks, and I can see the general trends of things turning around to the better.

I just need to keep going and doing good, and things will be just fine.


Today I will have trouble reaching my minimum calorie intake, unless I eat junk. I don't want to eat junk.

For that very reason, I am taking a slow day. No morning walk.

I'm gonna rehearse with the band, and that will be relatively active, so that is all that I'll do.

It's so weird to NOT have to exercise.

I've had a huge calorie burn all week, compared to most weeks, averaging at 3300 per day, so a slow day is perfectly in order. At the same time, since I don't think I will get even close to my minimum calorie intake, it's important that I do NOT go crazy exercising. What I will naturally be doing though the day is just fine.

I really like NOT having the pressure of exercise sitting on my shoulders, but it is also weird. I'm so used to having to do a LOT - especially if I want to lose a little fat - and this seems so counter productive. It's not, though. There's method to the madness. This is entirely to ensure that I won't lose muscle.

I will ride the edge of my minimum calorie allowance, based on my calorie burn today, and just barely keep up with food. Of course, I will ensure that I still get my protein, fat and fiber. :)


I'm still feeling fine in regards to work.

I am thinking a LOT about how to best structure a future setup in the weight loss business.

How do I attract customers?
Do I set up (rent) an office space?
Should it all take place at the gym, and if so - is that possible?
Now is the time where I can prepare myself to get going.
What is the minimum requirements (investments) I can do?
What are the add-ons that I can offer people to get moving?

There are so many things I need to do for it.

I know I will find my grip on things, but there is a lot I need to structure. And with my head and focus somewhat in shambles, it's hard to do.

I do feel better though. I think getting the news makes me more ready to move on.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Playing with the band!
- Wife!
- The outlook to a great life!
- Morning coffee!
- Celebrating Daughter's b-day!

Life is good!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
87 kg 68 kg 2 kg 100%
   (10 comments) steady weight

01 March 2014

Good morning!

Let's get straight to it.

The bad news of yesterday was that I got the final decision from work, that I'm being let go.

The good news of yesterday was that I got the final decision from work, that I'm being let go.

Honestly, I see this as an opportunity to move on, hopefully to a less stressful future.

I can't say all too much about my plans just yet - there are still some issues and negotiations between me, work and my union, and it will all have to wait a little bit.

I know quite a few of you guys have been following this situaion, and it's important for me to tell you to NOT feel sorry for me. I think this is an important step to my next future.


Considering that I got fired yesterday, I had a GREAT day! lol.

I went to see the new fitness center, about 90 minutes drive from here. I went to talk to my new coworkers for when I start having hours there, and I got to meet a few of the new guests.

We even did a little group photo for facebook.

I had a good talk with a few of the guests, and we talked about future classes. I think one or two might be interested, once I get to start up.

Wife and I spent the day out, had a nice healthy whole wheat burger for lunch, and went for Indian food for dinner.

I had ice cream and chocolate, everything was accounted for and I hit all my macros except protein, where I ended up at 180g instead of 200. That's fine.

I came out of the day with a 1000 calorie deficit, which is as much as I can allow myself without losing muscle mass. It was perfect.

It was another day with a LOT of walking - 23,000 steps.

Wife even treated me to a very nice little present. I guess she felt bad for my situation. Or maybe she just loves me? lol.

She bought me a little bluetooth speaker from Bose. It's a very high-end speaker, but small and portable and can easily fit in my backpack.

And truly - it sounds like a full stereo system.

I've had - and have - several of these type of speakers, in all kinds of quality, build and price range.

This one is by far the most expensive one. BUT - it is built like a tank, and the sound quality is hands down the best I have ever heard from a small portable speaker. It has bass that I can actually feel in the floor in my apartment, even at low volume. It's just amazing. This will be an excellent little companion for my journeys into the big scary world.


It's funny. Last week, I was talking about not going to focus all that much on walking, not spending hour after hour walking just to burn calories.

I have kept to that. It just has happened to be that I have walked more than I probably have in months!

I like that. I like walking, I just don't want to "walk just to walk". But I really enjoy walking to place I possibly can. It's great exercise, it is a nice little extra burn, and it is good for my heart.


Speaking of the heart - I want to thank everyone that has written with great advice and own experiences.

I have had high blood pressure when I was obese. Now it is pretty much perfect - I just had it measured over several days with numerous measurements over the course of every day, and the average came out to 128/80. It's perfect.

The only thing is that the heart beat is uneven, and this will be fixed with medicin. It is no longer the "silent killer" for me, and this is obviously a relief.

I have zero restrictions on ANYTHING. I can do what I want, as long as I take my medicine.


So, what's in store today?

Well, today is Saturday. This means a relatively relaxed day.

I'm hoping to put 5K behind me today, probably walking with a good friend. There is also a lunch buffet in my near future, and we're gonna have a nice meal tonight.

Clearly, there won't be the amount of walking and exercise as I have had through the week.

It's all good though.

Looking at my numbers, I have saved up a LOT of extra calories - even after considering a nice deficit daily. I could to 1000's over today and still be on track.

I won't, though.

I would like to have a decent weigh-in tomorrow. Sunday last week I weight 90.5 kilos. Today I am at 87. I would like to at least not get to 88 by tomorrow. If I do, I want to make sure it is NOT fat from pigging out.

No candy today. No weird snacks.

My treats are gonna be SKYR for protein, and maybe something to get me to my minimum calorie requirement for the day if I haven't reached it.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Weekend.
- Being fired. No, really. I am. This will be the kick off to do my own thing.
- Wife, for being amazing.
- My little speaker. Guys love gadgets. :)
- Pumpkin spice morning coffee.

Have an awesome weekend, everyone. Life is good!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
87 kg 68 kg 2 kg 100%
   (7 comments) Losing 2.1 kg a Week

28 February 2014

Good morning!

Phew, what a day yesterday.

Visit at the National Hospital "The Kingdom", LOTS of walking, and GREAT food.

All the while sticking to play, and coming out of the day with a nice calorie deficit and weight loss. :)


First things first. The doc.

As you might know, I have atrial fibrillation. I won't say I SUFFER from it, but I have it. My heart beats unevenly.

There is nothing dangerous about it, but it's uncomfortable.

I've had a couple of shocks to the heart as an attempt to fix it, but it didn't do anything longer lasting than about a day either time.

So for now it's fixed with medicin, and I went to talk to a doctor to see what the options were to do a more permanent fix.

Well, the solution is that I'll just stick to the medicine.

I hate the thought of having to be medicated for the rest of my life, but that is how it is.

The alternative is an invasive performance done on my heart, which will then need stabilization with more dangerous medicines, risks of complications - MANY more - and no real guarantee that I will feel any difference from simply taking a pill twice a day.

It sounds like a good solution. The alternative is no better, quite the contrary.


So, when I was talking to the doctor, he asked about my background to kinda get a grip on my situation. I told him about the weight loss, and that I teach people to lose weight now.

He was deeply impressed.

He was curious about it all, and was REALLY quizzing me on my approaches, and asked me a lot - A LOT - of questions about my thoughts on foods, calories, exercise, etc.

In essense, I told him that calorie counting works, that IIFYM works, that carido is good, HIIT is better and strength training is optimal.

The more I told him, the broader his smile went.

After the conversation, when it was time to leave, he shook my hand, and told me that it had been very inspiring to talk to me, that he's gonna talk to some of his obese clients about my approaches, and point them to me, and that the world needs more inspirational people like me who seems to know what they are doing.

I was ten feet tall when I let. What a compliment - from a doctor specializing in heart surgery. Wow.


Since we were out all day, we walked a LOT. Fitbit says 27,000 steps, 21 kilometers! Damn!

I burned 3851 calories, and consumed 2950, so I came out of the day with a 900 calorie deficit. I had cake along the way, and SO MUCH MEAT!

At dinner, I ate around 650 grams of meat alone! :)

It was super lean, though, and it was great.


Knowing that I have all that food still "sitting in me", I'm very surprised that I actually dropped weight today. My scale says it's mostly fluid, and it's probably just from not drinking quite enough water, and also the excess walking, but still. Let's see where I end up in a couple of days.


Today, I'm gonna go visit another gym. The owner of the gym where I work and teach has opened another department in another town.

I'm gonna go work out there this morning, and meet the staff. I am hoping to set up shop there, to build more classes. More business.


After that, I'm gonna hang a little with my boss, and then go pick up Wife when she is done working. We're celebrating Daughter's B-day later this week, and we're gonna go to an Indian restaurant. It'll be nice.

I will go for same approach as yesterday. Lots of calories burned (hopefully), and focus on meat as much as possible. I won't overload on calories until dinner time, but just have a few high-protein snacks along the way.


I'm feeling better mentally. I can tell, that my world is slowly opening up around me. It's a strange thing.

I still have a LOT of issues getting even near my work place. However, I can tell that the rest of my situation is not as scary as it has been. I hope these are good signs.

I think talking to the heart doc yesterday really took a load off. It was nice to know that I am NOT gonna have more procedures done.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- IIFYM. Cake, lots of meat, everything I could ask for AND losing weight.
- Weekend.
- Wife!
- Trying out a new gym. Still the same system, but a different place.

Happy weekend! As always I probably won't be here much through the weekends. But rest assured - LIFE IS GOOD!

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
87.3 kg 67.7 kg 2.3 kg 100%
   (9 comments) Losing 9.1 kg a Week

27 February 2014

Good morning!

How are you guys?

I'm feeling good this morning.

Even if my Fitbit claims that had a lot of restless minutes through the night, I feel well rested and feel that I had a good night's sleep.

It's a good feeling.

I already went for a walk. I don't really need it today - I will have plenty of exercise later - but I felt like it. So I walked Wife to her train, and did a nice long detour back to the apartment. Total walk of about five kilometers.


Yesterday was great. I walked a LOT - 24,000 steps. It wasn't intended at all, it just "sorta happened".

I had my usual morning walk, to move a bit and to listen to my audiobook. Then I went to the gym for my training. Here I met a good friend and we spend the most of the day together. He's lost a LOT of weight too, and likes walking, so we went for another walk, talking a way like a couple of little old ladies. :)

We went for lunch. I had pizza. It was all acounted for in calories and macros.

I came out of the day with an 1100 calorie deficit. Not bad in a day's walk. ;)

My total calorie burn was 3800, and my intake 2700. Perfect.


Today is equally active. I'm going to the large main hospital in Denmark, to talk to a doctor about the next step in fixing my heart.

They might have to do surgery on it. I'm scared sh*tless about that.

I'm curious about it, what he says. I have a lot of questions about it, and I want to be able to put my worries aside on this. Hopefully today will help.


To go to the hospital, we take the train to Copenhagen. I'm meeting Wife on the train, and we'll go together. From the station in Copenhagen and to the hospital is about 30 minutes walk, and we'll walk it, stop for lunch somewhere on the way, and walk back - possibly doing a little shopping on the way since we're already out and about.

It'll be a good, fun and hopefully enlightening day.


I don't have my foods planned at all. I am bringing some bonus protein shakes just to ensure I get enough. They don't need to be cooled and can easily sit in my backpack all day. I might buy a SKYR on the way too, to have extra. I know that if we dine out, I might not meet macros unless I add a huge protein kick.

200g of protein at restaurants it next to impossible.


I didn't drop any weight today, but I did drop body fat. I see that the trends in my numbers are no longer going the wrong way, but slowly turning around. It takes a while for the numbers to turn around, since I measure over 4 full weeks. A few days will do little to nothing, but consistency will - and I am aiming for consistency.

Once again I see that when I don't under eat, I am much more satisfied and less hungry, and have fewer cravings for bad foods. It works.

So, today I have an allowance of up to 2600 calories. That's my goal. I will most certainly burn more than 3100 calories over the course of the day, so I will be sure to have my goal of 500 calories deficit.

I might have more.

My body can handle up to 970 calories under my burn, so if I end up lower than that, I'll have to eat more. Let's see. I probably won't burn 3600 today. That's more than fine.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Early walk!
- Morning coffee!
- A day out!

Have a great day, everyone! Life is good!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
88.6 kg 66.4 kg 3.6 kg 100%
   (3 comments) steady weight

26 February 2014

Good morning (or whatever we'll call it).

It's 1:30 AM. I've been up for about an hour. As has Wife. We just can't sleep tonight. I'm stressing pretty bad, and I think wife is stressing over me stressing. It sucks.

I figured I might as well weigh in before I started drinking coffee and water, but since it's in the middle of the night, the weight is nowhere near accurate.

I did good yesterday, though. I didn't move as much as had thought I would, and there were plenty of changes to my food plans, but I managed to navigate though the mess, reach all my macros AND come out of the day with a 500 calorie deficit. Not bad.

It'll be more of the same today, but it'll be slightly easier to reach a nice calorie burn, since it's a workout day. It's gonna be a ROUGH workout though, after only 2½ hours of actual sleep. It's pretty bad.

Anyways, it is what it is. I'm wide awake. There's no more sleep for The King today. Might as well just deal with it.

So, when Wife leaves for work at about 4:45, I will walk her to the station, and then go for walk, hopefully to mentally wake up a bit. I would definitely need it. Then come home, rest a little, have some more coffee, and be at the gym at 7, to meet with a friend. I met him yesterday and we agreed to meet at 7, so I will be there. It's good motivation for going on a day like this.

Not that I tend to skip the gym. Quite the opposite. I'm VERY rigid on keeping that schedule. It's one of the few things I feel that I have a good grip on right now, and it's essential to my well being that I do it. I WANT to do it, and that is a great feeling.


I also feel that I am getting a better and better grip on my calories.

It actually have taken a load off my back that I don't feel as obligated to move just for extra calorie burn. I move plenty already - 11,000 steps yesterday and a 2650 calorie burn - so I just need to adjust my calorie intake to give me the deficit I want for the day (while still reaching my macros).

I feel that I have gotten less hungry when I don't over exercise. This helps A LOT keeping the calorie intake down, and it makes me not want to get into the sugars.

I figure that the urge for sugar comes from low energy, because of the higher calorie burn? I don't know. Makes sense to me.


So, today is walk at 5 am, gym at 7 am.
It's eating right, and staying on track.

My entire food calender for the day is filled out, and I know exactly what I need to do and eat.

It's gonna be a good day.

If anything, I'd be in risk of having too large a deficit, and I can easily compensate for that.


I'm trying to get into the habit of eating fruit when I feel like a sweet snack.

I'm horrible at eating fruit. It's not that I don't like it - I actually like it a lot. I just never consider it when I feel like snacking.

I never buy it on my own. Again, not because I don't want to, I just don't consider it. It's not something that is in my pattern.

Still, patterns can be changed, and I am trying to change this habit.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Getting more time to do stuff since I apparently don't need sleep (yeah, right!).
- Spending time with Wife.
- Coffee at 1 am.
- Kitty Cat snuggling up with me while I write my journal.

Life is good!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
88.6 kg 66.4 kg 3.6 kg 100%
   (6 comments) Gaining 2.8 kg a Week

kingkeld's Weight History

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